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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Yes there was a McCormick 434, it was a scratch build if I remember rightly, I think it was on a Valtra chassis
  2. I understand that the Tunnel Police have got contingency plans for poison gas attack ;) It involves rubber suits and cold showers ;D ;D
  3. Repliagri Fiat 110-90 Picked up the Spalding Show Massey from Barry and Lincolnshire Police John Deere from Convo (previously see in the customisations thread) : 8) 8)
  4. Nice to meet you as well John however, you must have the strongest handshake I have ever had, ;D ;D
  5. Peter, call and see me on the FTF stand on Sunday....we need to talk ;) :
  6. At first this was going to go in "What really annoyed you today" Mrs R's car started to misfire and the engine management light came on, I took it to a local mechanic who wasn't able to diagnose the fault but reckoned that it would be expensive. So I was resigned to having to take it to the main dealer and pay their inflated prices....imagine my surprise when they came back and said, "don't worry it's still under warranty until 4th December" woohoo :of now that doesn't happen very often :D
  7. Bill, that might be just for the visitor centre, I don't think anyone other than exhibitors setting up will be allowed into the show rooms on the Saturday
  8. Do you think this is anything to do with your drivers trying to do 60kmh? : :
  9. All the reports I have seen so far suggest that Adblue actually makes the tractor more efficient and it uses less fuel. Because the Urea makes the combustion process more efficient so the diesel usage is substantially less and the engine can run cooler so reducing the need for bigger radiators and cooling systems.
  10. Yes there is a competition and Model Farmer are sponsoring the prizes, in fact I have them right here ready to take up at the weekend ;) There is one for the best Junior display and one for the best senior display :
  11. I take it he is passing through on his way back to NZ. He emailed me last week to ask whereabouts in the UK I lived but Warrington must have been too far from where he was staying.
  12. Got the Marge Models Fella hay tedder today, what a fantastically detailed model it is :of well impressed 8)
  13. robbo

    ROS 2010

    I like that one : : Hopefully Barry will have them in before the weekend and bring them to Penrith ;)
  14. G & M have got the National Farm Toys Show version but it is a limited edition. The standard version won't be out until March next year.
  15. There is quite a good thread over on BFF about the show, not only with pictures but also with some explanations about some of the DB models on display, one of the members was a judge at the show and he has brought up some little known interesting facts about some of the tractors. http://farmingforum.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=41560
  16. Has she run out of English Mustard yet?
  17. The bad guys have been out again, this time in the South West of England. Overnight between 8th and 9th November 2010 two tractors were stolen from the Taunton area of Somerset, they were; Fendt 716 registration number WA05HXV, Vin 716/21/9806 and Fendt 820 registration number WA09FKV, Vin 731/21/6035 Any information to DC Chris Ruff on 01789 455184 or Christopher.Ruff@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk
  18. Welcome to the addicts corner, it looks as if it has got you good and proper, you won't be disappointed with the DBP model, it is superb ;)
  19. Dave Towse does loads of root crop and potato tools http://www.britainstoyfarm.co.uk/page9.html
  20. Dave has been really good about this too, told me to send it straight back to him and he would fix if free of charge. However, I have been out and bought a tube of super glue and most of it is back together now, just the mudguard to do and I will have a go at that tomorrow when it gets light.
  21. I was at work when it was delivered and there was a card through the door when I got home, I had to go to the local parcel office to pick it up so unfortunately I don't know who it was :( I have managed to fix most of the parts back on, there is just the mudguard left and it doesn't seem to fit :( I will have another go in the daylight tomorrow.
  22. robbo

    Weise-Toys 2010

    I am a big fan of Weise models but these two just aren't my cup of tea :( :( so I won't be getting them
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