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Everything posted by robbo

  1. And it has a big spread on Sames, oh happy days 8) 8) 8)
  2. Great photos as always Sascha, in the front shot of the sprayer it looks like the potato ridges are pressed very tightly and I would have thought that might make them prone to "capping" and impermeable to water \ \ \ \
  3. Well I have started on the slippery slope to collecting yet another different marque \ \ It started at Malvern last week when I bought a Black Diamond edition Valtra.......... and I have now just got a red one to go with it [ [ It was hard enough keeping up with all the multicolour Fendt releases but now I have got Valtras to go at as well ???
  4. Hi Neilw There has been some discussion on your recent threads about compaction and pans and I have found a photo that seems to illustrate the point, I will apologise in advance but this photo is "borrowed" from http://www.bensagriphotos.co.uk/ If you look at the bottom of the furrow you will see the "smear" that the plough has caused, this leads to an impermeable layer. Almost all ground engaging equipment can cause this, rotavators were always one of the worst but anything that works at a constant depth can have this problem. Spring tine harrows were always quite good at puncturing the pan as they vibrate in the soil and chip into the pan. Our forefathers weren't all that bad at designing cultivation equipment but they seem to have been pushed into the background by new fads. I think I have said before that a power harrow is used to beat the ground into submission, it doesn't create a tilth, it just makes smaller clods. :-X :-X
  5. Nice set up Murray, one question though \ \ \ Isn't the offside tyre on the wrong way round on the NH :of
  6. Rick, I assume that since you posted this in the toy tractor section it will be a scale model although the picture appears to be the real thing \ \ \ \ What scale is the model going to be and will it be available on the open market or just at the show?
  7. So why don't you subscribe ;) ;) you get it a few days before it appears in the shops as well http://www.classictractormagazine.co.uk/
  8. No I'm afraid it's not Ref the Nuffield 126, read about them about half way down page three of the link below [img alt=]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/wink.gif http://www.thenuffieldandleylandtractorclub.co.uk/wp/wp-content/themes/nuffield/images/History%204.PD And also from Rory Day Robbo, The Nuffield 126 you refer to is a 110hp IMT 5106, painted inHarvest Gold colours. I 'uncovered' the existence of these tractors(there were five of them) back in 1995/96 and wrote about them in myT&M days in the same year. There's a full length feature on the tractor in the issue of Classic Tractor published at the end of April. Regards R Day
  9. I would love to add a poll to this topic, if the black 390T was to be made available at the same price as the FTF 390 (£165) would you buy it yes or no? Maybe, just maybe if enough of us express an interest then Dave might be encouraged to make some :angel: :angel: For me, a resounding YES
  10. # I plead insanity yr'honour
  11. Thanks, I stand corrected [ [ [
  12. Sorry Bill, there were only a few IH and Farmalls there and I don't seem to have any photos of them [ One unusual piece of kit that I forgot to post earlier was an old swath turner This was a bit of little and large, diminutive Dexta and a whopping great 5095 :of I know Marky has done a similar pic with a 135 against a 175 : A great big ugly thing it is too ;D ;D And again on the little and large theme, I didn't realise that the case 2294 was quite so big, just compare it to the Leyland 272
  13. I think I have got a few more of the model displays, hopefully I won't duplicate any of Marky's
  14. For some reason there is a part of the Establishment that is starting to become rather paranoid and over reacting to people doing innocent and everyday things. Maybe it is hyped up in the media with tacky "news" stories about paedophiles and/or terrorists on every street corner or maybe is is just a gross over reaction by those who have an over rated sense of their own importance, \ \ you decide, I couldn't possibly comment : . I don't think you will have any problem with a farming and photography tour of the UK if, like me, you always approach the drivers first and ask permission, after all, it is basic courtesy. If you do decide to come over then I will look forward to your pictures.
  15. And to finish off my photos, back to Ferguson for an innovative bale handling system, one small bale at a time which was lifted up over the drivers head to the trailer where they could be stacked one at a time
  16. A model that was also mentioned in the Leyland/Marshall history that 4055power posted the link to earlier, a Nickerson Turfmaster This Porsche won "Best new restoration"
  17. There were 2 Fordson half tracks, one was petrol/TVO and the other had a Perkins Diesel Sugar Beet lifter, a bit different from the huge Ropa and Vervaet things we see nowadays
  18. One for Chris Lockwood aka Belarusfan
  19. JD 4020 with Front Wheel Assist (FWA) plus a close up of how it works Don't think I have ever seen a Huber before ;)
  20. A David Brown Canal towpath tractor
  21. OK thanks Andy, for some strange reason Marky seemed to concentrate on the red and grey tractors : fear not fans of other colours, there were many others there. Firstly some older models starting with a Massey again This old "Trusty" had a Norton motorcycle engine
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