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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Does anyone know if DBP are going to be at this show, I can feel a purchase coming on ;) ;) ;)
  2. Sounds like a great excuse for a trip to the States for a Toy fair (and of course a holiday), I'm sure that Rick can advise which would be the best one ;)
  3. Thanks for posting Eric, I didn't manage to say hello at Spalding so hopefully you will make it back next year ;)
  4. Looks like you had a multi coloured road trip Erik, nice photos 8)
  5. Nick I have got the Fendt 936 and 828, John Deere 6930, Claas Axion and the new Deutz TTV 630 so I can safely say that Wiking are great value for money and really well made, go for it ;) ;)
  6. Welcome to the forum Steve, ignore Lord Fergie, he wants you to buy Ford so there are more Masseys left for him, although I am not quite sure what a Ford Country is :of :of
  7. Now that Spalding is done and dusted until October the next show looms 8) 8) Hopefully I may have saved some money again although I don't think we will see quite as much spending from some of our members (yes David I mean you) Once again Andy will have the FTF and Model Farmer Stall and there may be some sample issues of the mag available depending on how they sell in the meantime. Get the diaries out and get planning peeps ;) ;) Oh and just as a reminder, this is the finale of the scratch building competition so all the entries will be there for you to see 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  8. Yes Wil that's the stuff, I hope that Karin uses it wisely. Sharon has just had a good laugh at this photo ;D Richard, as you might guess there is a story behind this rather random picture ;) you had a to be in the pub on Saturday evening ;)
  9. David I think you are single handedly trying overcome the UK recession by spending the equivalent of the national debt on models :of :of I am now very jealous :angel: :angel: :angel:
  10. That reminded me my drains needed cleaning, anyone know where I can get a sink plunger ;D ;D
  11. Just a couple of quick pics but I was so keen to get behind the wheel that I left my camera in the car until just before I left Aunty Sue got a bit tired : : From right to left, Alex (Goon), Tris, Aunty Sue in 'er 'at, Marky in the background, Johns friend (sorry I am useless with names), John (JDC) and Sean showing off the belly Caption competition time "I'm sure Maureen was with me when I left Berwick" Marky and Sue go for a ride Sorry that all I got [ [ [
  12. Oh, that must have been you I was standing next to the the FTF stand when you said you recognised the tractor and the car in the background and you were standing behind it when the picture was taken ;)
  13. I LIKE this Leyland though 8) 8) And this Fiat is very similar to one I used to drive
  14. Each one is individually weathered so each one is a little different 8)
  15. Neils was telling me at the show that he was looking for a rare plastic MF 399 model, he might make you an offer for this one ;)
  16. Spent the most with our Bazza ;) Wiking Fendt 828 Weise fend 615LSA Repliagri Fiat 640 because I used to drive one years ago JD 8295R show model Model Tractor Company Leyland 270 (SCALEdown) some backgrounds for the display cabinet from Mandy and of course the Model Farmer mag hard copy
  17. Universal Hobbies 1/16 Fordson Power Major and the thing is ..........I don't know why I did it [ I don't collect 1/16th models, I don't collect Fords and Spalding is in 2 days time and I am trying to save my money for Sunday.....it was a bargain though ;)
  18. I thought it was Simon that usually got caught on the way to Spalding \ \ \ isn't it almost a yearly tradition ;D
  19. Don't worry Wil, there is an ATM at the shopping centre about 200 metres from the show room. I am well excited as well I have got everything ready to go and I'm not leaving home until Saturday morning, Mrs R says I am regressing to childhood............nah......I just never grew up ;) ;)
  20. I have got one of these in far better condition than this and I thought it might just about be worth a fiver :of :of http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Lone-Star-David-Brown-Case-Tractor_W0QQitemZ320510838116QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN?hash=item4a9fef4564
  21. robbo


    This a an excerpt from the Police National Legal Database, it is not the full Regulation just the exemptions that apply to Agricultural Tractors and similar vehicles Regulation 2 of the Motor Vehicles (Wearing of Seat Belts) Regulations 1993 provides the interpretation and definition of terminology used throughout the legislation. 2(1) In these regulations- the Act means the Road Traffic Act 1988; Construction and Use Regulations means the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986; Large bus means a motor vehicle which- (a) is constructed or adapted for use for the carriage of passengers, ( has more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat, © has four or more wheels, (d) has a maximum design speed exceeding 25 kilometres per hour, and (e) has a maximum laden weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes; Regulation 46 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 provides the requirement for seat belt anchorage points to be fitted to motor vehicles. This document provides for the application of this regulation to certain vehicles and exempts certain vehicles. Application 46(1) This regulation applies to a motor vehicle which is not an excepted vehicle and is: (a) a busfirst used on or after 1st April 1982; ( a wheeledmotor car first used on or after 1st January 1965; © a three-wheeled motor cycle having an unladen weight exceeding 255 kg and which was first used on or after 1st September 1970; or (d) a heavy motor car first used on or after 1st October 1988. Excepted vehicle 46(2) Each of the following is an excepted vehicle: (a) a goods vehicle (except a dual-purpose vehicle): (i) first used before 1st April 1967; (ii) first used on or after 1st April 1980 and before 1st October 1988 and having a maximum gross weight exceeding 3500 kg; or (iii) first used before 1st April 1980 or, if the vehicle is of a model manufactured before 1st October 1979, first used before 1st April 1982 and, in either case, having an unladen weight exceeding 1525 kg; ( an agricultural motor vehicle; © a motor tractor; (d) a works truck; (e) an electrically-propelled goods vehicle first used before 1st October 1988; (f) a pedestrian-controlled vehicle; (g) a vehicle which has been used on roads outside Great Britain, whilst it is being driven from its place of arrival in Great Britain to a place of residence of its owner or driver, or from any such place where, by previous arrangement, it will be provided with such anchorage points required by this regulation and such seat belts as are required by regulation 47; (h) a vehicle having a maximum speed not exceeding 16 mph; (i) a motor cycle equipped with a driver's seat of a type requiring the driver to sit astride it, and which is constructed or assembled by a person not ordinarily engaged in the trade or business of manufacturing vehicles of that description; or (j) a locomotive. So my read is that Agricultural Tractors are exempt when they are being used for an Agricultural purpose, if they are capable of more than 25kph and being used for other purposes (eg haulage) then they are not exempt and seat belts DO need to be worn. Harvey 123..... you are not exempt from the mobile phone regs on a tractor, you will be prosecuted for using a phone whilst driving
  22. Yes that's him Rob, my parents are directly opposite his place on Tarporley Road
  23. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Yes Nick, it has an extended bonnet with a Perkins engine underneath
  24. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    That's very nice of you to say so Sean but I am 51 already but only 22 months until I can retire ;) ;)
  25. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Don't tempt me Tris, I get enough stick collecting 1:32 scale tractors so if I ever started to collect real ones I would be in soooo much trouble.......plus I would have to move house as I just don't have the room. Sharon has said that when I retire I can have one......just the one though..... \ \ \ \ \
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