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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Agreed, go for the best deal and the best dealer backup, no matter what the fans of each marque would have you believe there isn't that much difference between them these days \ \
  2. Doesn't say on the site, Andy may know more when he logs in again \ \
  3. The spring show model has been announced :of :of a weathered John Deere 8295R http://www.spaldingmodeltractor.com/page6.html Each model is numbered and I will definitely be having one 8) 8) 8)
  4. At that price yes but it appears that the listing has ended now, he might have sold out. \ \ :'( :'( :'(
  5. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Out and about again and I came across this New Holland The story is that the council have just sold the local football field for housing and so they are intending to build a new field over the road. However, as far as I know the land has been wasteland for over 30 years and the only use it ever got was the local thieves on stolen motorbikes. It has been rough grass, nettles, brambles and Japanese Knotweed so they have really got their work cut out. I spoke to the driver and he told me that it was sprayed off with Glyphosate about 3 weeks ago and they are now rotavating it to break up the turf. I did say that I didn't thinkl that the Glyphosate would work on brown dead grass and he agreed but apparently the council insisted on it. The next job will be to level it with a dozer blade and then it will get about 30cms of topsoil as a rootzone. It will be a heck of a job as the whole site is full of bricks, old metal and all sorts of debris. I will try to keep a pictorial diary as the site progresses in case anyone else is interested.
  6. Nah, that's not a layout, that's real................isn't it? Absolutely stunning, Sascha is going to like this one ;D ;D ;D
  7. Don't know if John has posted the pictures of his real machine but here it is so you can see just how good this model is
  8. To European eyes the cab looks strange but fair play, you have done a nice job on her. Looking forward to seeing the others.
  9. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Went out to a local farm today to get some manure for the garden and they had this old lady in the shed, I have never heard of a MF 355 before \ \ \ \ Not on the best of condition and has had a hard life by the look of it
  10. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Yes there was a winch on the back
  11. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    I have got a model of a blue McCormick CX105 in Balfour Beatty colours that was produced by Farmmodels and today I saw one of the real ones Just need to find one of the MTX 175's and a Cormac yellow version now ;D ;D ;D The model versions are on this shelf 8) 8)
  12. I am not for one minute suggesting that any of the "serious" collectors on here would buy this one but this guy is either late for last Christmas or very early for the next one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FARM-SET-DIE-CAST-TRACTOR-XMAS-GIFT-AGE-3_W0QQitemZ330405247527QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN?hash=item4cedaffa27 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  13. Err I mentioned the FTF Ford and cultivator if you wanted a 70's theme and also the UH Prosol Power harrow after a plough if you wanted to be more up to date \ \ \ \ . My point about soli types is that people tend to base their dioramas on the type they are used to, I don't know what type of soil Adie has got ;) Whatever system you opt for you will need a good set of rolls for seedbed consolidation, both grass and Kale like a firm seedbed.........if of course you are looking to be realistic :
  14. It is pulling wild Oats out of other crops by hand, I always used to like doing that ;)
  15. A great deal would depend on your soil type and how much cultivation it would take to achieve a seed bed \ \ If you were into older kit then the FTF Ford 7000 and cultivator set would be ideal for working down the ploughing. Many people nowadays seem to use a power harrow straight after the plough, there are a couple on the market UH do a Prosol version, I am old school and I was always told that to use a power harrow was an admission of defeat as it would "beat the soil into submission" rather than create a tilth : If you are ploughing up an older pasture then you would need to break up the turf first otherwise it will become a mat beneath the surface that doesn't rot down properly, we used to use a Rotavator but a set of discs might do the job as well.
  16. Picking Brussel Sprouts by hand in the middle of winter, bent over all day, freezing cold with water creeping in through every gap in your clothing. Hands and feet like ice and unable to feel anything except for the chilblains on my feet and my hands that were chapped up to my wrists. It was as good a reason as I could think of to give up farming, thankfully I was then given the job of carting the bags back to the farm and I got to sit on a tractor and warm up a bit.
  17. Cheers Barry ( and Sean via pm) 118 miles for me, 2 hours 16 minutes courtesy of the AA
  18. Give their popularity in Ireland like Colm says I would have a close look at a Deutz, K series 6 cylinder, great pulling tractors ;)
  19. Anyone got the postcode for the showground, can't find it on the website?
  20. Just discussed this with Mrs R and we will be there on the Sunday :laugh:
  21. That's the one Mark, used to get lines of men going across the field thinning and weeding, always have to stop at the end of each row for a ciggie though ;) . In between the rows was done with a tractor mounted cultivator but the rows them selves needed to be thinned and weeded by hand. It was also done for brassicas and similar veg, I am surprised you never saw it after all, there is quite a lot of veg grown near you. I wish I had taken photos at the time but I didn't have a camera, I was only a poor student :'( :'(
  22. One of my summer jobs in the early 70's was hoeing sugar beet, back breaking work though. There used to be a lot grown around the Selby area until the factory closed down, don't suppose there's much left around there now
  23. Well it's working on me Jo, I haven't a clue who Big Al is or where this thread is going \ \ \ \ \
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