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Everything posted by SMurF

  1. What you would usually do about bale lenghth is double the width as per bricks so they stack together But for silage bales you would normally do squared so they wrap easily
  2. Did they have any problems with steering the tt's in wet conditions this year as I have heard a few stories that they would just go straight if the going got wet at the ends of the runs \ One farmer near by only got a 580 tt this year after being so impressed with a demo last year and traded in his old one which was wheeled Had it back for a while whilst doing his OSR as for what I stated above And had no problems with it When on the wheat he went back to the tt and had no more problems \
  3. Shame on you Just hang over the front of the laverda and you can see everything but i bet it had a cab \ The deutz's are a decent combine, a neighbour swears by them He's on his fifth i think and not due to breaking them they just get bigger They used to make the biggest one in europe if i remember correctly untill the likes of Claas's lexion came about with monsterouse header sizes
  4. This may be a strange question How many balers where in the field as there is a round bale in a picture, a conventional baler with old type sledge and the loader is putting up flat 8 Do you put the bales into 8's manually \ or was there another baler with flat 8 sledge somewhere \ Nice pictures though
  5. I'll kidnap him You rescue him and Hey free home ;D I don't meen it Queue jumper *
  6. I love doing the combineing Think it is the best job on the farm as it a job that takes lots of consentration on multiple things all at the same time But I will be glad to see the end of it this year as the weather aint bin too good and the grain quality is diabolical with tonnage way down on what it should be, In some cases a third of expected amount Still Mussent Grumble the overtime is lurvley
  7. Slower day today as the sun didn't show its face at all Got the bales cleared off 2 fields and then went for a little bit of combineing as the moisture content was acceptable and dampness had cleared up only did about 9 acres as it started getting damp again Still tommorrow is only a night away Only another 10 acres of wheat left to do and then some time 12 acres of beans \
  8. Now this is a strange thing but does anyone know of a machine that collects bales that are dropped on the floor (and don't say a sledge or a flat because this thing was on another tractor and seemed to be tieing them up because a tele loader came along and picked up the bundle without any fancy grab it was in the distance but i was watching it whilst combineing and wondering if i was seeing things \ \
  9. Should have been their this year but dad had his stroke and made it difficult for what we had planned :'(
  10. Shall not be at spalding yet again :'( :'( :'( Come back off holls day before Shame as I will get revenge one day on that certain queue jumping MF supporter ;) Why can't they do one in february when nothing much is happening on the farm \
  11. He aint the boss he helps me at weekends and evenings He worked on the farm for 16 years previous to me and left to do building (needed a change) but has to come back to what is in his blood
  12. You got me I wasn't letting him drive 2640 But there is one little risk i had to take and that is that he was the one driving laverda 3 years ago when it went up in flames Perhaps he's Jinxed ;D ;D ;D Or I am a lucky sod who just happens to not be driving them when they bust
  13. I wouldn't mind if it was me that did it but i'm the poor sod who has to fix it Turns out to be a common occurance on them
  14. Gear leaver snapped off me 2640 Had to weld it back together inside the cab \ Held up the combineing Still tomorrow's just another day
  15. Same as yesturday Another 15 acres off the total Going to be a decent weekend according to the weather people so should make good inroads as the bloke who helps out at night will be with me for 3 whole days so i won't have to rush arround moveing trailers and unloading them Combineing all the way ;D ;D
  16. Got am infrequent member of this site staying at the farm at the mo MF2680 whilst off uni
  17. 16 acres in 6 hours not bad for me terrible crop though not going to weigh well as the grain is all shrivelled and light and had to go towards the quality side more than the quantity side which means to say loss of shrivelld grains as not to get a load of chaff in the sample "BUGGER" still it is only the start things can only get better Fingers crossed
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