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I don't know you guys are getting a pasting across the water, it has to pass over us first but never seems to do as much destruction here as it does when it hits you. It's sad about that young lad in Hull I don't know worst rain in 50 years and tornados!!!!!!

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I've just heard that a young lad has been washed down a river in Sheffield, not sure of the outcome.  :-\ :(

Anyone familiar with Sheffield may know the ladies bridge over the river Don, that is closed as it has started to collapse I've just heard also.

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Another very hot day, the temperature hit 35 degrees in the middle of the day! Currently sitting downstairs on a different computer in an air conditioned room as my computer is sitting in a 30 degree room.  :(

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nice and sunny today...hope it stays that way until 5ish :) :)

Afraid it's raining here in the West at the mo Ben, it's on the way to you guys. Just saw an aerial shot on Sky news of the floods and in one shot there is a farmer doing some mole drainage in a completely flooded field now there's looking on the bright side for you ;)

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