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The Weather in General


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East Sussex. Very cold start to the day, minus 2-4 and a white frost. In shaded areas the frost stayed the ground all day. I was rather surprised to find our cats water bowl (In the shed) was frozen solid this morning.

    This winter so far reminds me of the winters we had when I was child. Leaves staying on the trees till the end of October, daily frosts in early November followed by bright sunny days. The frost causing the leaves on the trees to wither and drop in the space of a few days. All of a sudden we have seen the colours of autumn change and disappear,  the bare branches of the trees reminding us that winter has arrived, and wondering if we will see any snow this winter.

      I'm looking forward to some substantial snow this winter, and seeing the faces of our grandchildren, now they are old enough to understand the spectacle of snow, and the look on their faces when they see it falling. I love looking at the countryside after snowfall; especially looking across valleys into woodland. Snowfall reveals  many features of the terrain that wouldn't be seen under normal conditions.

  Maybe winter isn't all bad, and the shortest day is only five weeks away. We are reminded of that too in Uckfield, as they are putting up Christmas decorations in the High Street.............Scary  :o;):D

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really??? was sunny first thing down here, no sign of the frost they predicted either, wasted 5 mins of sleep time because of that this morn to, got a bit cloudy later one but no rain or sign of it either

Funny that Sean  :-\ We've had frost the last 2 days.

The weather when I got up this morning was lovely. Check this photo.


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