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The Weather in General


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WhooHoo...... ;D

Dung spreading in the snow tomorrow it is then...... :D;)

your not allowed to spread it in snow or frost anymore, sepa will haul the farmer over the coals if they catch you. well thats the way it is in aberdeenshire anyway :-\

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your not allowed to spread it in snow or frost anymore, sepa will haul the farmer over the coals if they catch you. well thats the way it is in aberdeenshire anyway :-\

Ah right might have scuppered our plans then......Never knew that mate...... :)

Was great hail stones earlier battered the hell out of the conservatory roof but now it's windy and the snow's all gone again pretty much...... :'( ;)

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It is official......I HATE BRITISH WEATHER WHEN IT RAINS...... >:( >:(>:(

The boss went out today to start spreading dung at 8.30am while I fed the cows and then I'd take over driving the Merlo......The spreader couldn't handle a full load after all last night's rain so he tried it with a half load, Merlo got stuck trying to back out the dung heap and the wheels of the spreader were making tracks right across the filed......After about 15 tonne we gave up......Spreader went back to the hirer so looks like we'll be stuck with our Marshall Rotaspreader in about a year's time when it decides to actually dry up......

To top it off after raining last night, it rained all day today...... >:( >:(

Rant Over...... ;)

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well at least it wasnt snow mart, all its done down here is rain for most of the day as well mate, so your not alone

That's true Sean......Wouldn't mine some snow for being back to school on Tuesday though...... :D;) ;)

Just typical though every other weekend this year has been not too bad weather wise and the first time we go to do field work and hire the spreader it pelts down...... :'( :'( ;)

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