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Nice and bright this afternoon, which meant it was daylight till gone 5pm, yeeess the evenings have started to pull out. Roll on Spring.

noticable here too light ISH til gone 5 too.......we had a cold  windy day , all the surrounding hills were white with snow and GF had snow on her way up the M74 this mornin.

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It's been raining here almost non stop for 24 hours. Rivers are overflowing, fields and roads are all flooded, trees are falling down and branches are breaking off. Some of the roads have been closed while tree debris was removed. The river in Uckfield is like a raging torrent at the moment and very high. Some of the old people that live in the flats next to Uckfield mill are being evacuated tonight as with the rainfall predicted; they are expecting floods tonight.

    What happened to all the flood defence work the environment agency were going to do after the floods in 2000. Spose they thought it wouldn't happen for a long time and they could forget it.

    Flooding must be less frequent than it has been in the past when you think about it; otherwise they wouldn't have the raised walkways by the bridges over the streams; that we see so many of round here.

Global warming............global claptrap.......this is just one of the wet winters we have from time to time. This is very much like the winters we had when I was a teenager, in the late sixties and early seventies. ;):)

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It's been raining here almost non stop for 24 hours. Rivers are overflowing, fields and roads are all flooded, trees are falling down and branches are breaking off. Some of the roads have been closed while tree debris was removed. The river in Uckfield is like a raging torrent at the moment and very high. Some of the old people that live in the flats next to Uckfield mill are being evacuated tonight as with the rainfall predicted; they are expecting floods tonight.

     What happened to all the flood defence work the environment agency were going to do after the floods in 2000. Spose they thought it wouldn't happen for a long time and they could forget it.

     Flooding must be less frequent than it has been in the past when you think about it; otherwise they wouldn't have the raised walkways by the bridges over the streams; that we see so many of round here.

Global warming............global claptrap.......this is just one of the wet winters we have from time to time. This is very much like the winters we had when I was a teenager, in the late sixties and early seventies. ;):)

YOur right there its liike the big freezes we have every 15 years ish we have one it just happens. IM sure pollution isnt helping but its not as bad as they go on.

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