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The Weather in General


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you'd be surprised how much of our stuff gets zapped in a storm,even with sheet lightening mate,can hit miles away from you and bugger everything up in an exchange,,last big hit i saw had approx 20 dead sheep round the eleectricity transformer it had hit,which then managed to jump across to our areial cable about 15m away,and blitz about 1800m of cable,nothing but melted lumps in the road,and totally burn out 6 poles,wthen for about 100m each way you had different heights of burnt pole till you got back to  the normal height ones,that was in postbridge on the moors mate

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All I can say is I envy your pay  :D :D

Is it all relatively easy to re-assemble or are there some cases where you think F*** ME, and think about going home?

I always think SWEB men have trouble because they arrive in the early hours to put the electric back on out in the pouring rain, and it seems to take them ages!

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Corker of a Thunderstorm developing right now. Couple of miles out from Aberdeen still but its getting closers and thunder every 20 seconds or so. Its about time we had a proper beastie. ;D ;D

Could be an interesting week, forecast for the week has Aberdeen at 30c by Friday which would be in spitting  distance of our all-time record, cant see it though.

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just had a stonker down here to mate,started at about 3 am finished at 7ish , loads of lightening,guess whos gonna be busy at work next week  :-[:-[ :-[

Nothing beats an all-nighter, last one we had was in August 2004, lightning every four seconds for about 2 hours. Amazing.

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