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The Weather in General


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Just seen the forecast  :o :o

Boy heck its gonna be HOT HOT HOT everywhere all week  ;)

Should rain tomorrow then  :D

i hope so!! :D :D

feel sorry for the missus, she is stuck on canal boat with 10 kids on a school trip, she just txt'd me to call me a **** as i have the fan :D :D :D

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Supposed to nakered nashmach

Completely dried up, de-hydrated I should think young Phillip.  :D

Was worth it to see the lexion though shes a bute hope im let loose on her at some point  ;D

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yeah hope so mate

its been that hot down here today that they have had to close roads,as the tars been coming up,they use a lot of surface dressing round here and the heat has just pealed it off,sticks to the tractors wheels and up and waway ,several main roads closed for ti

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yeah hope so mate

its been that hot down here today that they have had to close roads,as the tars been coming up,they use a lot of surface dressing round here and the heat has just pealed it off,sticks to the tractors wheels and up and waway ,several main roads closed for ti

Snap same happening here, on one part of a road were the lexion been it was so loose the asphalt that it came away when the lexion turned and was all freely movable  :-\

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yeah yeah show of marky,its currently 10 degrees in the bath with the whirlpool bit on,so of for a chill in a min

Well it's about that in my home made jacuzzi thanks Sean....

As soon as I've finished my last can of beans.. I'll be in the bubbles  ;)

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