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The Weather in General


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2nd week in August is often when farmers around my way start drilling process pea crops and spring barley.

This week I've seen large sheets of water on most paddocks.

Things are shaping up to be a wet spring on plains,this picture shows a 1/2 finished paddock of ploughing on some light land near my place,was pissing down when I took the picture.

(padock is being ploughed with a 6 furrow one way plough and 110hp MF )

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Had heavy rain here all night, Nearly jumped out of my skin yesterday afternoon while half asleep in my office and it thundered right overhead!  :D :D :D :D :D

Know the feeling - had a load of straw there a few years ago and was dashing to get in to a shed during a heavy shower - next thing there was a bolt of lightning - couldn't have been more than 50 yards away from - frightened the bejaysus out of me  :D :D :D

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Well mate it rained on Tuesday and has been showery since but what it has rained is very little - you must remember we have got very little rain over the past 4-6 weeks and the ground is so hard anybit that does fall just runs off - what we need is about 3 good days of soft rain and that would do more good than 2 weeks of showers  ;)

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Had a great storm yesterday afternoon, really persisted it down for a good 20 mins. I was carting straw down A38 and couldn't see a dam thing thanks to the rain being blinded by the lightning didn't help either :D :D :D. All the traffic slowed right down to 30mph and quite a few trucks had pulled in :o :o It even blew a manhole cover and lifted up the tarmac just up the road from us, the drains couldn't take it away fast enough, leaving me to play in the puddles and make lot's of bow waves in me tractor ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)

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ment to have rain and storms down here all day today,and yesterday to,even had a weather warning out

so far 1 shower over the 2 days, and not to much cloud either, currently not a cloud in the sky and very warm actually,or is that 7 pints of strongbow i wonder ??? ??? ::):D :D :D

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A fun drive home this evening, real wild weather.

Branches off trees, a landslip on the back road and flooding where the drains had backed up in Dyce and Bridge of Don.  :o

Autumn has arrived early and I now officially declare this the third miserable August in a row. I think the sun has shone only 3 days since the 1st. :'(

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