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Weise-Toys 2010


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Art.-Nr. 1005  DEUTZ D 130 06 (Ausführung 1972 - 1974)

Reifen mit lizenzierter Hersteller-Gravur 'Continental'


Art.-Nr. 1006  DEUTZ D 130 06 (Ausführung 1977 - 1978)

Reifen mit lizenzierter Hersteller-Gravur 'Continental'


Art.-Nr. 1007  FENDT FAVORIT 615 LSA (Ausführung 1989 - 1993)

- hochwertiges Sammlermodell im exakten Maßstab 1:32

- alle wesentlichen technischen Details sind am Modell

wiedergegeben: precision in detail

- Accord Kupplungs-Dreieck (Front) einzeln beigelegt

- Frontgewicht als von Hand gegossener Zementblock, wie

häufig üblich zu jener Zeit, einzeln beigelegt

- Ackerschiene (Heck) einzeln beigelegt

- Auspuff-Endrohr mit beweglicher Regenschutz-Klappe

- beide Türen zu öffnen

- Windschutzscheibe und Heckscheibe zu öffnen

- Heck-Hydraulik mit beweglichem Messing-Oberlenker, in der Länge ca. 6 mm verstellbar

- Unterlenker über Verstellhebel (an der Unterseite des Modells) in der oberen Position

feststellbar, so dass Anbaugeräte sicher gehalten werden können

- flexible Hydraulikleitungen rechts

- die Unterseite des Modells zeigt exakt alle wesentlichen technischen Details

- Reifen mit lizenzierter Hersteller-Gravur 'MICHELIN'

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Regarding Weise models  ;) ;)

Both companies FENDT and SAME DEUTZ-FAHR have their exclusive rights on selling the models for the first three months, that means from November 8th 2009 up to February 8th 2010.

As Weise are exhibitors at the Nuernberg Toyfair next February, Weise  are able to offer their models directly after the Nuernberg Toyfair

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mm 615 looks good i must say ,not sure about the deutz, never seen one that i can remember with that bonnet shape

One of the first farms I worked on full time had just swapped their MF 188 for a Deutz D80 06 and everyone who worked there loved it, it was the first tractor they had with a flat floor cab and it was way ahead of anything else for comfort. They liked it so much that the following year just as I was leaving to got to college they swapped their MF 165 for a D68 06.

I think the D130 06 is quite a good replica although I have never seen one in real life, the biggest I have seen in the UK was the D100 06  ::) ::)

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So in 2010 Weise will release this 2 Deutz and Fendt?I don't understand quite well these topic.I like the 130 06.Very powerfull and unbreakable tractor.There are a lot of these in my country.Dx-es are popular too.Maybe becouse we are close to Germany and have forrest population of 58%.And these machines are very good in the woods.

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One of the first farms I worked on full time had just swapped their MF 188 for a Deutz D80 06 and everyone who worked there loved it, it was the first tractor they had with a flat floor cab and it was way ahead of anything else for comfort. They liked it so much that the following year just as I was leaving to got to college they swapped their MF 165 for a D68 06.

I think the D130 06 is quite a good replica although I have never seen one in real life, the biggest I have seen in the UK was the D100 06  ::) ::)

spooky today i have seen a 2wd oldie sat in the nettles with the same bonnet, have no idea what model it is, but will try and get back to find out

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the cabbed deutz and the 615 are heading my way for sure, but i hope that bar comes of the rear linkages? ???

Same here Sean, although I can't make my mind up about the non cab version so I might have to see what else is on the market  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

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Place I worked in the mid 70's had a D80 06 and from memory the cab looked a lot like this one, I will be getting the cabbed version as I have never seen one without a cab. A lot of the European versions had the Fritzmeir cab, sort of a canvas thing with a front window that opened outwards, don't want one of them thanks :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

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only seen rsm cabbed deutzs in uk  with rear hinged cab doors but that was a uk built cab, there might have been some come into uk with this type of fritzmeier full safety cab  but personally never see them. thats not to say that they werent about of course. all i remember is how quickly in the seventies they got a foothold in the uk market. large waiting lists for uk tractors these and fiat soon made presence felt.

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