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ya going to make them to sell, im not going to cast them as ther is to many complex parts :-[ but il make them out of brass etchings, ther is so much worjk involved that i dont no a resonabile price for them :-\ what would €150 sownd to people? ??? , and as for legel resons il have to talk to mcconnel first!  ya i always make up a meket first helps you to under stand it better!.  ;D

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  • 2 weeks later...

ya ciaran sure we wil agree on 250 euro u have my email wil u let me know wen u have it ready no panic as such as your n college but i want it sumtime :blank: :laugh:amnluvin da pictures of it

Yes ciaran we will agree on 250euro. You have my e-mail, will you let me know when you have it ? No panic as such as you're in college but i want it sometime  ;D  Am loving the pictures of it .

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From my experience of talking to McConnel Mike they are very "sensitive" to making models to sell....

Looks amazing though!!

Well done!!


They seemed happy enough to send me the drawings of the machines to make models of , , , i just never got aroung to making them . . looked too much like work 

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They seemed happy enough to send me the drawings of the machines to make models of , , , i just never got aroung to making them . . looked too much like work

are you shur it wasd mcconnel? they were very coutious about it all!  :-\  still have to ask them about selling a few to help fund the cast of making them!

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