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What's your latest new Brochure or manual.. list them here...

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Found at Ebay this 1972 Roadless double sided brochure. Another type of brochure I'm used to see of Roadless, not sure about front and rear, so you get both.

Jack, nice brochures especially the Super Dexta, I saw them on Ebay and I already thought you would buy them  ;) . Good to see you did.

Will, great brochures of the 4WD Versatiles. I can still control my self not buying these "non" Ford type, but for how long.... :-\

Niels, do you collect brochures of every make of tractors?



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Niels, do you collect brochures of every make of tractors?

I do yes. I have no specific interesting in a particular make although I do like Dutch equipment manufacturers, especially potato equipment. Planters, harvesters etc.. I recently took on a collection from a friend of mine so that caused a quite significant increase in my collection  ;) .

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Picked up avery interesting item, or items (plural) I should say. Went into a junk/secondhand/brickabrack shop today that I frequently visit when 'in town' and the propriator, who knows I'm into models and farming, handed me a large folder and said 'look at this'. On opening it up and spilling the contents, it contained the full set of build plans for a Ransomes threshing machine. I haven't had a comprehensive look at them yet but the interesting thing about them is that each 'section' sheet is around 6 feet long and the 'model' is scaled to HALF SIZE. Interesting me thinks, so I grabbed them.

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New batch of brochures for my collection which came from StapelopFordson  :) . It nicely helps fill in the gaps of my Hürlimann and Lamborghini collection.

Hürlimann H 488T Prestige

Hürlimann H 468 Prestige

Hürlimann H358 Prestige

Hürlimann H 478 Prestige

Hürlimann range and history

Hürlimann H-6130

Hürlimann H-5110

Hürlimann H-480 Allrad

Hürlimann H-466

Lamborghini 1706

Lamborghini 1106

Lamborghini 956

Lamborghini 774

Mengele Mammut forage harvester

Ursus Bison 60 - 35

Ursus Bison range

Ursus Bison 200 series

Ursus 207, 204

Zetor range 8111-16145


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I love that brochure... I have it in 3 languages I think... I think that's the one with 20 'players No.6 fags' in the cab... My smoke of choice for many years - looooooooovely *** they were  :P:-*

Good find... I've got a few MF50B bits that are quite rare... will post them up tonight when I get home  ;)

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Lord F,

I love that....quote "I have that in 3 different languages". Not just content with one language, you are now collecting the same brochures but in different languages. I hope you are not counting them all individually......?

Did you get that magazine I sent over for you, personally hand-mailed and scented with au de Classique?


R Day

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:D :D .. I did indeed Mr D... and I sent you a personal text message to thank you last night... I think I even put a  :-* on it  :-[

As for the languages thingy... I'm not intentionally collecting the same in many languages - but I was kindly GIVEN a few in Dutch a while back.. and I've already got it in French and English.. BUT... confessional here... I AM counting that in my 1900 or so total  :-[

Is that cheating ???

Shall I go sit on the naughty step for a while to think about what I have done ???

I feel like such a fraud now  :-[ :'(

I'm looking forward to reading Classic Tractor - a quick speed scan last night to pick out the priority pieces to read first tells me there are some interesting features to look forward too... especially the Reekie one  :-* .. thanks once again for that

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Lord F,

Good, sorry I only just got your text 5mins ago as my phone battery has been dead for a while.

Same brochure, different language: To count or not to count? That is a tricky one. Actually, you have got me thinking about counting. I must have thousands of surplus (doubles) MF brochures in the garage (just for a rainy day), mainly stuff since the early 1980s. Can I include them in my count? Go on, please!!!!

How about implement brochures with MF tractors depicted on them? I could do a few of those too.

You and your counting!



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Lord F and RD:

Same brochure, different language: count! I say same brochure, different printnumber: count!

I have some brochures with same printnumber but are different in writing and/or pictures: count!

At least for the older brochures: they were often locally printed, so different pictures and different specs. Brochures for Germany are different from the UK ones, because of other mudguards and other lightingarrangement.

Now time to get counting again  ;D


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Lord F,

Good, sorry I only just got your text 5mins ago as my phone battery has been dead for a while.

Same brochure, different language: To count or not to count? That is a tricky one. Actually, you have got me thinking about counting. I must have thousands of surplus (doubles) MF brochures in the garage (just for a rainy day), mainly stuff since the early 1980s. Can I include them in my count? Go on, please!!!!

How about implement brochures with MF tractors depicted on them? I could do a few of those too.

You and your counting!



rory empty your message box,im trying to pm you

cheers paul

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At least for the older brochures: they were often locally printed, so different pictures and different specs. Brochures for Germany are different from the UK ones, because of other mudguards and other lightingarrangement.

When you take a look at brochures from certain manufacturers such as Fendt for example you can notice this very well. Exhausts suddenly dissapear or colours and machines change.

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this rare brochure bought of ebay from fellow countryman and Fordson/Ford collector mr. Stapel that recently joined this forum ;D  (stapelopfordson)...

Ford 5700 only available for the Dutch and French market if i am correct.

Now that is a rare one. A 5700! : :of. They must have been very under powered. Same engine as a 5600. 68HP. Think about it! Its only 4HP more thana 4610 in that heavy platform. ::)
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