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lord fergy in mf brochure

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Well done Marky.... your 15 minutes of fame continues!  ::)  :laugh:

Were you invited or did you just keep sending them your testimonials until they let you in?  :-*

I only sent 4,937,584 emails... and two offers of a bribe before they accepted my work Simon

Actually.. I was 'selected' by the head of merketing for 'being so passionate about the brand and my machine' so they told me - not sure where that came from - perhaps one of them may be a member of FTF  :of

Blimey... never thought of that... does my hair look ok.. where is my crevat... Mrs F ! Mrs F ! - polish my shoes immediately please  :of :of :of :of

well i never talk about youv been framed you have well and truly

and it gives mrs f some ting to pin to the dart board  :P :P

ps you loook like you put on weight in that picture  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Put on weight... cheeky... I think they photoshopped me a little Stevie.. so as to not make the other guys in the brochure look so ugly. you know.. a little stretch here... add the odd blemish there  ;):-\ :P

And since when did you become an agricultural contractor Mark  ;D

Well Mr S M Arty Pants... I currently provide waste removal services for about 25 local farmers - of which they sign an annual CONTRACT for.. and I provide my tractor (and me) for corn carting and grass cutting services - what would you call me then..

Second thoughts... don't answer that  :-[:D :D

Just except this small token of my appreciation.. from me to you... heartfelt and with my compliments of the season: Pwwwttthhhh

I bet it bloody hurt.......... :of

Stung a bit John... Mrs F refused to rub cream in it afterwards as well...  :-[ :'(

Right then... anyone else want to have a pop at poor old Marky  :of  ???  :'( :'( :'( :angel:

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:D :D  .. thanks Adie...

I know what you mean as well... perhaps that's why MF use the services of an outside marketing company  :-\ :D :D

Cheque book journalism, that's why the Tax man is after him....

Simon Cowell awaits - Massey Man does the balloon dance with three red triangles....

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Well mate..... what's next? Top of the Pops? A charity single??

:-*:-* :-*:-:police:  :-*:-* :-*:-*

♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪

not with my bad back Jez  :P:angel:

Can you get me in a JD publication mate.. you know.. pull some strings for me  ;) ;) ;) ... I could become a professional 'testimonial' model full time

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not with my bad back Jez  :P:angel:

Can you get me in a JD publication mate.. you know.. pull some strings for me  ;) ;) ;) ... I could become a professional 'testimonial' model full time

Ha ha..... I could try mate.... Sit by the phone and wait for it to ring............................................ keep waiting...............


















Still there?

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