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60 km/h tractors


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well lately my dads been complaining that the massey ferguson and john deere are too slow on the road so we were talking to our john deere dealer if theres was something that could be done to speed them up abit and he said there was a guy that would come out and do it for you, so i was wondering if anyone knew anymore on this subject, maybe you've had it done or you know someone who has had it done.

Any help greatly appreciated. :)

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cheers for that.

we've re-jigged the programming for it and it's doing 54kph now but it's not quite quick enough as when we're moving from site to site we're trying to get there as fast as possible as usually we're 1/4 of the day picking the machine up dropping it off then going home getting one of the dump trailers then shooting off again, but the trailers are high speed ones as they used to be pulled by the fastrac before we moved brands ;)

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If you mess about with a 50k tractor and get it to go any faster it will then not be insured and should anything untoward happen you will get the book thrown at you so be careful. I'm sure Robbo will be able to expand on the exact legalities involved with it but I think it would come under construction and use rules. The only real way to do it and stay safe would be to buy a Fastrac or Fendt capable of those speeds as standard as all the componants of said tractors will be up to the job, remember at the end of the day though 30k is still the legal limit for tractors speed wise even if it is out dated and most tractors can now exceed it

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Well if you ask me, I'd advise you to leave them alone at 50k.. Their designed to do that speed and cope with that speed, Anything more and you could be pushing your luck.. If you buy one then Play about with it and shes goes bang, I'd say dealers warrenty would be out the window.. Have heard stories of it happening locally..

If you really want faster then Go Fendt or Fastrac Which are designed to cope at higher speeds.. Or Again buy a Lorry..

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fair play id hate to be carting silage with an 18t trailer at 60kph its hairy sometimes at 50 let alone any higher  ;D  ::)

here here I completely agree. I pretty much have near on messed myself when flying along and then forgetting that the amount of weight your pulling continues to push when you break for a corner. As much as i like going fast unless your on main roads all the time 50kph is more than enough speed. You only need to take a suspensionless tractor out to realise how bad the roads are that soon makes you slow down.

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if anything goes seriously wrong and you kill somebody or something like that you will probably be charged and will have to go to criminal court. Same thing with a tractor that has its power turned up....

If you mess about with a 50k tractor and get it to go any faster it will then not be insured and should anything untoward happen you will get the book thrown at you so be careful. I'm sure Robbo will be able to expand on the exact legalities involved with it but I think it would come under construction and use rules. The only real way to do it and stay safe would be to buy a Fastrac or Fendt capable of those speeds as standard as all the componants of said tractors will be up to the job, remember at the end of the day though 30k is still the legal limit for tractors speed wise even if it is out dated and most tractors can now exceed it

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can never understand this attitude to machines  whats so important you spend £1000's of pounds on a machine & then decide to repowewr it to ti's desighn limits or to mess with things to make you go faster than it should ? 9 times out of 10, it ends in mechanical failure & a void warranty or at worst sombody will get hurt or even killed by the now largly incompetent drivers of these vehicles.

sorry but the more i read some of the posts here i'd be all for a proper test for tractor drivers whose tractor trailer combination excedes a gross train weight of 10 tonnes .

bottom line is why by someting thats not up to the job you need it for in the first place ?

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A mate of mine has and 6910 50k which is powerquad plus, he took the restricter cable of the back axle and it now sits at 38-40mph at a 2300rpm

What exactly do you mean matty?

Having personally taken powerquad's and the A,B,C,D,E range boxes apart several times I can assure you there is NO WAY to speed up your gear box and no such thing as a restrictor cable.

I have to say in my opinion trying to speed up tractors is a STUPID idea in my eyes.... the next thing is then you will complain that the fuel consumption has increased....

If you want a faster tractor buy one that is equipped for the job, Unimog, Fastrac etc.

Oh and by the way, if you do speed them up, make sure you check and prepare what ever is behind. Also make sure you check that the tyre manufacturer has designed the tyres to go at that speed. Also i suggest you change the drawbar for a more transport related one where the pulling forces and wear is designed differently, oh and then you will need to change the trailer drawbars.

I am sorry to sound harsh but it annoys me when these kind of topics are started.

All said and done, good luck, hope that we don't see a topic in the future where you tried something and then another topic appears talking about the tractors reliability and fuel consumption..........

Good luck  :of

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What exactly do you mean matty?

Having personally taken powerquad's and the A,B,C,D,E range boxes apart several times I can assure you there is NO WAY to speed up your gear box and no such thing as a restrictor cable.

I have to say in my opinion trying to speed up tractors is a STUPID idea in my eyes.... the next thing is then you will complain that the fuel consumption has increased....

If you want a faster tractor buy one that is equipped for the job, Unimog, Fastrac etc.

Oh and by the way, if you do speed them up, make sure you check and prepare what ever is behind. Also make sure you check that the tyre manufacturer has designed the tyres to go at that speed. Also i suggest you change the drawbar for a more transport related one where the pulling forces and wear is designed differently, oh and then you will need to change the trailer drawbars.

I am sorry to sound harsh but it annoys me when these kind of topics are started.

All said and done, good luck, hope that we don't see a topic in the future where you tried something and then another topic appears talking about the tractors reliability and fuel consumption..........

Good luck  :of

seconded jez couldn't agree more

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the problem with using a tractor for this type of job is well one as said the legal speed for any tractor  is 30kph no matter what speed it is capable of,

and the biggy which they are starting to pick up on is if the tractor is on free road tax (agriculture use) and on red diesel it can only operate within a 15 mile radius of the farm recorded to, if you want to use it on greater distances white diesel and duty paid tax i know a local farmer who has had to buy a couple of lorries to do the job he used to use a couple of tractors to do

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Wow some people need their heads looked at.

Why would you want to modify something that costs that much and will invariably invalidate your warranty and insurance. It is like 4055 power said about boy racers take a 1 litre fiesta and try and make it something it isn't. If the tractors are not offering you the required speed then look at lorries or a unimog. At times some of the comments on here make you wonder about people. And another point 50 km/h = 31.068 mph and 60 km/h = 37.28. Is 6 mph really worth it ::) ::)

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Wow some people need their heads looked at.

Why would you want to modify something that costs that much and will invariably invalidate your warranty and insurance. It is like 4055 power said about boy racers take a 1 litre fiesta and try and make it something it isn't. If the tractors are not offering you the required speed then look at lorries or a unimog. At times some of the comments on here make you wonder about people. And another point 50 km/h = 31.068 mph and 60 km/h = 37.28. Is 6 mph really worth it ::) ::)

good point rob,sometimes i think its just mines faster than yours thing
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Sorry don't often get wound up but I must say this has

How do you intend stopping these things or does that not matter?  Do some basic maths in relation to stopping distances or read Andy Scarlett's research on trailer braking.  Apart from being totally illegal on several fronts please think of what you would have to live with if you were responsible for causing a serious accident or even a death.  They are simply not up to it.  You can argue about the outdated 20 mph laws but things that are allowed to go faster are designed to do so and are generally subject to greater regulation. Buy a Fastrac Unimog or HGV.


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I have to agree with what eveyone else has said really, 60K is too fast for most tractors to handle. Unless they are properly equipped to do that sort of speed they should be left alone. There is too much bad publicity about farmers on the roads without more being created by unsafe speeds on poorly equipped tractors. If you want high speed then buy a truck, becuase from my view even the likes of fastracs aren't really enough at times.

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>:(  one word comes to mind LEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you want a faster tractor get a Fastrac or a Mog or even better a lorry if the business cant afford it get out of it.

Even with Fastracs and Mogs certain tyres have speed ratings, the sooner stricter tests for drivers and MOTs for tractors come into force the better :) :)

wonder if anyone from VOSA will cast their eyes over this topic.

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As said get a lorry if you need these speeds.

To pick up on a few points

Are the brakes capable of 60k?? The brakes are barly capable of 40k ive seen tractors eat a set of brakes off them selves in a few weeks becuse the trailer brakes were done. And with brake contamination on modern tractors being such a biggie as a lot of farmers dont do great maintence id say the brakes are far from capable of 60k. Introduction of a minimum of air and abs would be a MUST

Tyres will last no time, and will people replace them with michelen that would be capable?? probably not and put cheap dangerous rubbish on.

With that fast of a speed it will just push forward for a hgv license to become compulsory.

Ive drove tractors with the revs screwed out so they can go faster, and they are neither safe nor do they last. Have to laugh at people trying to "up" producitivity, trying to get a little more from there £50-60-100k machines and end up costing themselves thousands in repair bills.

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tractors are tools to help get the job done efficinetly enough to save money, they are not toys and should not be treated like them, and come on who is really going to go 60km/h in a field unless you have a death wish.

some people need to remember why tractors were invented!!!!

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