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Spalding Spring 2011 - IMAGES NOW ADDED


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have already booked my hotel room for saturday night infact ,travel lodge at spalding again

...and me.  Cheaper than last year too! 

Ladies (and gentlemen with lady partners)  I have booked a double room although I will be on my own.  I am willing to share if a lady (and not a cross-dresser) needs a room

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Apart from the model show itself, what else is in the vicinity?? trying to sell it as a romantic weekend away.... ;D

Theres a whacking great big shopping centre next door with nike,reebok and gap shops etc,go for a walk by the river welland or take a ride on the little electric boat that does tours up and down the river,you will see plenty of ducks  ::)

I'll be going seeing as its only 10 mins down the road from me.

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Apart from the model show itself, what else is in the vicinity?? trying to sell it as a romantic weekend away.... ;D

Mrs R comes with me every year, whilst there isn't much to do in Spalding town centre other than the standard shops but the Springfields Centre is quite good and there are other things to do there as well as shops. Like Jamie says there are gardens and places to walk alongside the river which makes a nice change.

Although, having said that, it might just be because she wants to stop me spending too much  ::) ::)::)

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gotta search where i booked last time.. see you there for sure.. This time i will only be there saturday night and not 2 nights in a row as missy wants to "romantically" ::) explore an undefined part of England...

anyone any idea how i can sell her the Basildon area as the prime choice to go  ;) ?

Umm...  ... no great ideas, never been there myself

Now Hampshire/Dorset/Wiltshire are worth visiting - Winchester (Cathedral), Corfe Castle, Salisbury (Cathedral AND Stonehenge AND Avebury Ring) to mention only a few places.  Weymouth where the sailing Olympics are to be held in 2012...

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Sadly this show always clashes with a work day 3. As long as I'm employed with the company I am presently with or unless I win the big lotto then it looks like it will be a while yet before I can attend this one >:( >:(

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:D :D  .. sorry Anuty Sue... well if you don't ask and all that  :P:-[:D :D

I was so excited as I wrote my post I clear forgot to add the 'about' as well  :-[

how about a kiss under the mistletoe then  :-*:-* :-*:-* :-*:-* :-*:-*  .. on the cheek of course Aunty Sue  :-[:-*

They don't call me 'Marky Hot Lips' for nothing  ;D

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gotta search where i booked last time.. see you there for sure.. This time i will only be there saturday night and not 2 nights in a row as missy wants to "romantically" ::) explore an undefined part of England...

anyone any idea how i can sell her the Basildon area as the prime choice to go  ;) ?

now what could possably intrest you in basildon then will  ::) ::)::) ::)::) ::)::) ::)  mmm i guess you could sell the bluewater shopping arcade to her, thats not to far away really

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now what could possably intrest you in basildon then will  ::) ::)::) ::)::) ::)::) ::)  mmm i guess you could sell the bluewater shopping arcade to her, thats not to far away really

anything BLUE sounds good to me  ;) , fits the theme ;D

@Sue : ehhhh.. google Basildon & Tractors and you might have a clue why i wish to go to that particular area  ;)

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could it be that you wish to visit a certain blue tractor building plant ?  :laugh:

ive already visited it and seen the big blues being built  :P

back on topic since it went a bit off track ...

i have never been to the spalding event but quite fancy it ...

If you go back far enough through this section you will find pictures from both the spring and autumn Spalding shows, Lord F is the forum "official" photographer, meaning he is the only one who can take his eyes off the models long enough to use the camera!  ::) ::)

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