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New Yard [Slow going]

thomas b

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Hello Fellow FTF members.

I have not been so active the last month.. or two, so to kick start it I am making a new yard ,which in time will be used to house Barrett contractors.

Every two weeks i spend a day on it so no sudden updates.

For the yard gravel I used a Stone spray which turned out Fantastic!




I also filled a corner up by putting a Britians Shed up...


Thats it for now but soon it will have a hedge line a gate and maby a Fuel tank... Maby.

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Nice. Already got  a pile of old tyres filling a gap, a farm wouldn't be a farm without a bit of junk about the place. Look forward to the next update. With two weeks to think about it each time I am sure you'll make a wonderful farm  :)

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