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Hi People!

Im Steve, and as some of you might guess, my interest lies with Track Marshalls!

I run the Track Marshall Register, and also the facebook page Trackmarshall.co.uk, as well as the website http://www.trackmarshall.co.uk

I am also into scratch building models, but mainly, you have guessed it, Track Marshalls!

I know there isnt many out there, so this is what im plan to change.

Im interested in any scratch built models, and look forward to chatting with you!


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Welcome Steve, I had a go on a TM90 when I last worked near St Neots and it was a wonderful old machine even if it was a bit noisy ::) ::) The farm also had a TM 70 and TM55 that was in semi retirement even in 1977

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Welcome aboard Steve. Must say I really enjoyed your article in Classic Tractor. Whilst I don't personally have much connection to the Track Marshall brand myself my Dad once operated a number of Track Marshall bulldozers at the start of his plant operating career for the now defunct company Reynards.

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Welcome to THE Forum! I look forward to seeing your scratchbuilt model collection. A sham Track Marsha couldn't hang just a few more years given the success of the rubber track crawlers nowadays. Maybe Britain could have been proud of another worldwide brand aside to JCB..... :(

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Many thanks for the welcome guys!

PETE.E, not my "home" stomping ground, im originally from Near Scunthorpe, but im now a Holderness lad!

Looking to up the numbers of the Facebook page if anyone can like it, and share it with others!

Also we have a marshall day on 4/5th August, at Blyton near Gainsborough....Ill post an advert up on here sometime soon, there is going to be over a hundred tractors, mainly Marshall/Track Marshalls, and also Steam ploughs etc, going to be a corking weekend, as it also sees the official launch of the Trackmarshall.co.uk Register. The weekend is ran by The Gainsborough Heritage Association, who are experienced in running this kind of thing, with them running the marshall days that are on the DVD's available.

Were also still looking for a few more trade stands, so any one got any suggestions?



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a question steve. why do you hold this event in the busiest month of the year. i would love to attend this event but will have my backside sat on the combine or tractor[weather permiting] or if its raining, will be mending something that has fell to bits already!! ;)

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Only time we could get the land for nothing unfortunately....i had mentioned this!

The land that's been used was used by Marshalls/Track Marshall as there testing/demo land, so its what we are using, without doubt.

There will be a DVD available from the people who have done the previous Marshall ones..(name escapes me!) And there will be lots of photos on the websites/Facebook etc.

Sorry we cant please everyone....! :)

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