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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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thanks i hope i can  :) did you have A* then  :-\ :)

Indeed I do, right chuffed with it. With your coursework and on the written side in particular, just do everything they tell you to do and you'll get a good grade and with the practical, just give it as much time as you can spare and it'll pay off for you. So many of my mates thought they'd be clever here and there missing out bits to save time e.t.c, so they didn't get the stars or A's. ;)

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well done mate :) i see what you mean , we are ment to have 15 pages done by next wed we were given it over the holidays ,ive done 10 but the problem with helping on the farm is you cant pause the weather to do the hay  :( but i know some people who have only done 1or2 pages  :-\ theres one boy in the class who has done practical and the model but hes only done 13 pages  :-\

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Well I didn't actually see it  :-[ although I would loved to have  ;)

Marky was supposed to be playing golf today :D :D

Can you just imagine it  :D :D

If there was ever a human being put on this earth to not be allowed on a golf course ..well it would be him  :D :D

Waiting for the report on how he got on ..

Perhaps he never found the 1st tee as he got stuck in the 19th (the clubhouse bar)  :-*:-*

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Well I didn't actually see it  :-[ although I would loved to have  ;)

Marky was supposed to be playing golf today :D :D

Can you just imagine it  :D :D

If there was ever a human being put on this earth to not be allowed on a golf course ..well it would be him  :D :D

Waiting for the report on how he got on ..

Perhaps he never found the 1st tee as he got stuck in the 19th (the clubhouse bar)  :-*:-*

Shut it wobble bottom  >:(

As it happens... I didn't get time in the end  :'(

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just stood and watched  my other halfs 90 year old father sweet talk a 30 year ish old sales women into a discount of 200 quid on there new suite, came out with some classic chat up lines infront of her mother who could do nothing but laugh, and the sale bird just rolled up in laughter and gave them it just like that

gonna take him out for our new bed when we go

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just stood and watched  my other halfs 90 year old father sweet talk a 30 year ish old sales women into a discount of 200 quid on there new suite, came out with some classic chat up lines infront of her mother who could do nothing but laugh, and the sale bird just rolled up in laughter and gave them it just like that

gonna take him out for our new bed when we go

You ought to give us his details - he sounds as if he is worth taking out shopping on a commission basis. 

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My best beloved trying to untangle his knees getting out of the car with the seat full forward.  Well he did insist on buying the cabinet and it would not fit in the boot. My car will not go with the boot lid open - even halfway - it just goes "bingley, bingley, bingley"

At least we did get it home!

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