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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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Listening to Jeremy Vine about a fortnight+ ago,lunchtime Radio 2,there was a farmer phoned in to comment on the topic being discussed and the first thing he said when Jeremy asked him what he thought about the subject said " I phoned in mainly to let our neighbours know we've started combining!!"  ;D ....classic !

Fortunately where I farmed there was no immediate neighbours to bother me about such trivialities and I only started when it was absolutely fit as I never had a dryer, only low volume airation, and anyway as the old saying goes "If you think your barley's ready go on holiday for a week"  although it always took me that much longer to get ready anyway as better crops take longer to ripen.... ::);):D

      Eeeee, when I were a lad, we didn't have one of those new fangled moisture meter thingies, but we had a good idea about moisture content though. If you could mark a grain with your fingernail, it definitely wasn't ready. If you bit through it with your front teeth and it was hard enough to deform before your teeth went through it; it was probably about 18% or just fit to combine. If you bit through it and it broke cleanly in half, and your teeth slammed together enough to hurt; then it was probably about 14%.  :-X

    We used to combine at about 18% and put it straight into storage for feed.

When we first moved to Uckfield in 1966, we didn't have bulk storage on the farm so we bagged it up in the field and transported it back to the farm for barn storage. (We later had a Brice Baker store put in.) It's a good job we only had a Massey 780 at the time. We used to put the barley through a Bentall hammer mill and mix minerals into it for pig feed.  ::)

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More like What I Heard. .

My mate was telling me they turned up at a place to do some ground works. One of the jobs was to fill in a few holes and stuff. The guy who owned the place, very wealthy (picture floppy hair, red cordrois trousers and a nice mustard coloured jacket by the sound of it. .. :D) came out to see how they were doing. This was the conversation. ..

Toff - "How will you fill in the holes"?

Liam - "With that.. . " Pointing to the 3t mini digger on the trailer.

Toff - "That's for digging holes isn't it"?

Liam - "It's for doing anything you can with, digging, filling, lifting, grading. .. "

Toff - "Well it's not what I had in mind, I don't want you using the wrong tool for the job. I want the holes filled in, not more holes dug. Don't you have a machine for filling holes in"?

Liam looked to the sky.  :D :D

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More what i heard. My mums cousins husband has just brought a suzuki gsxr hayabusa 1300. He hasnt ridden a bike in 30 years and hasnt passed his bike test yet so szuki wont realease the bike untill he does by which time it will be getting on for winter. I just laughed and said do you have a deathwish.

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Hey Ben you missed out "ton"  ;) ;) :D :D

once i went upstairs with it, i got on fine, just her being to impatent pressing buttons ect, she had somehow de selected the albums songs artists ect from the main menu, swear blind she didnt do it, but only she was trying to work it, plus he work lappy has some lock on her adding certain software, and it seems i tune is one of them

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Speaking to the bf on the mobile and discovering we were both sat in a queue opposite each other at the Critchards Way roundabout in Taunton in our vans

Of course you mean you were pulled over to the side of the queue don't you Mandy ::):D :D

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More something I was told than what I saw.

A colleague has got a new sat nav system and used it this weekend, however, after a while his daughter (3 years old) said "Daddy I don't want to see any of the Road Bears I am frightened of them"

It finally dawned that she was listening to the voice of the Sat nav saying "after 300 yards road bears left"  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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More something I was told than what I saw.

A colleague has got a new sat nav system and used it this weekend, however, after a while his daughter (3 years old) said "Daddy I don't want to see any of the Road Bears I am frightened of them"

It finally dawned that she was listening to the voice of the Sat nav saying "after 300 yards road bears left"  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I loooove that one... soooooooooooo sweet :)

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some hedges on a local farm, they are cut in a wave patern, you have to see to belive! never seen such a mess in all my life, laughed like mad when i saw them, i couldn't make that much mess if i tried :o the joke is the farmer has still got him on the flail making a mess every were he goes :o

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some hedges on a local farm, they are cut in a wave patern, you have to see to belive! never seen such a mess in all my life, laughed like mad when i saw them, i couldn't make that much mess if i tried :o the joke is the farmer has still got him on the flail making a mess every were he goes :o

Any chance of a pic or 2 mike? sounds like a good sight to see

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my mate slipping down a grass back today on his arse, went down  at a hell of a speed, didnt hurt himself, but left a huge brwon mark where he took the grass off, and his overalls looked like he had messed himself, turf and mud like a giant bag on his backside, took him ages to get back up to, couldnt help as i was doubled up with laughter at his efforts

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some hedges on a local farm, they are cut in a wave patern, you have to see to belive! never seen such a mess in all my life, laughed like mad when i saw them, i couldn't make that much mess if i tried :o the joke is the farmer has still got him on the flail making a mess every were he goes :o

Must be one that he copied off you Sparrowlegs!  Only joking maybe not as your mate was full of praise yesterday. (You know, after attacking that hedge that you said you couldn't do and then did.....)

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A 7530 with a fully loaded Bunning buried up to it's rims. Had to laugh but it proved a serious point to the bosses, more of that later.

Laughed on the other side of my face just now though. . . . I did it aswell!! ::)

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