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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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the cows and calves when they were let onto the grazing rye, the calves being young and inquisitive walked up to the electric fence and tried to nibble it, surprised how quickly they moved :D :D :D :D

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the cows and calves when they were let onto the grazing rye, the calves being young and inquisitive walked up to the electric fence and tried to nibble it, surprised how quickly they moved :D :D :D :D


not as quickly as a 13 year old boy when he piddles on it..................youve never heard a scream like it!!!!!!!!!quote]

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I can imagine, we had a problem with an energizer unit the other week, had a dodgy earth on it, gave my colleague one hell of a jolt when he touched the earth stake, trying not to laugh was a struggle ;D:D :D :D

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hes not that daft adam. ;)

one teenager was today at our clayshoot................"is that fence on", he asks.

"nope", I said......... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

last week at work i went to move the gate (which is an electric cable with a special plastic handle thing that hooks on the live wire) and i couldnt get it off the wire  ::) and im used to non electrifed fences  :D grabed the wire to pull it nearer ,bang i had it  :D its a mains one too  :-[:D

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you think thats bad, how about running after a bull in a neighbours field in the dark and i ran straight into the fencer, i got tangled up and boy that was a painfull few minutes until my uncle disconected the battery, it took him a while as he was pi$$ing himself laughing  >:(:D :D

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Not today but the other evening.... went to pick up George from Grandad and they'd gone for a walk to see our neighbour 'working down' some land over the road... I wandered down to see and he'd got their pretty clapped out 6280 with a set of scuffles on the front and a power harrow on the back 'moving it about a bit'.... was bloody heavy going and I noted that it was working her a bit hard... he caught us up as we were walking back up the lane and then disappeared in a huge plume of steam.... that was the end of his working ground for the weekend :D :D They just won't be told.... they're forever destroying their kit on jobs like that... ::):D Have got a photo of the mushroom cloud but it's in my phone and I haven't got the lead on me ;)

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We were talking at work about our various ailments and a woman said "Has anyone got any cures for arthritis?" - another woman replied "I use Uddermint - it's brilliant" !!!

While we were all laughing I decided to look it up on Google to see what the active ingredients were and I found this picture - http://www.dairyspares.co.uk/images/large/186.jpg

Say no more!!!!

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this pm i just recived from simon :D :D :D seems the coffee has come back to get him from this morning

"buuuugg me tghis is rbidicunlouns.... myh f*n keyhboarbd has gone f*in mad.... tghirbds 3rbd tgrbyh...

yhes matge, drbilled tghrboungh tghe rbearb axles tgo getg a barb axle tghrboungh....

Frbogntg axle frbom Celtgis on new brbass angles scrbewed tgohassis a bitg funrbtgherb forbwarbd....

tghatg abountg itg.... 155 /tM wounld mean lengtghening nog necessarbyh...

Did anyh of tghatg make anyh sense whatgsoerverb   

Ignorbe mostg of tghe g's, n's, h's and b's and itg mightg make sense.....    "

think he needs to visit pc world now

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this pm i just recived from simon :D :D :D seems the coffee has come back to get him from this morning

"buuuugg me tghis is rbidicunlouns.... myh f*n keyhboarbd has gone f*in mad.... tghirbds 3rbd tgrbyh...

yhes matge, drbilled tghrboungh tghe rbearb axles tgo getg a barb axle tghrboungh....

Frbogntg axle frbom Celtgis on new brbass angles scrbewed tgohassis a bitg funrbtgherb forbwarbd....

tghatg abountg itg.... 155 /tM wounld mean lengtghening nog necessarbyh...

Did anyh of tghatg make anyh sense whatgsoerverb   

Ignorbe mostg of tghe g's, n's, h's and b's and itg mightg make sense.....    "

think he needs to visit pc world now

Makes perfect sense, better than some of the writing I see on here  :D :D

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this pm i just recived from simon :D :D :D seems the coffee has come back to get him from this morning

"buuuugg me tghis is rbidicunlouns.... myh f*n keyhboarbd has gone f*in mad.... tghirbds 3rbd tgrbyh...

yhes matge, drbilled tghrboungh tghe rbearb axles tgo getg a barb axle tghrboungh....

Frbogntg axle frbom Celtgis on new brbass angles scrbewed tgohassis a bitg funrbtgherb forbwarbd....

tghatg abountg itg.... 155 /tM wounld mean lengtghening nog necessarbyh...

Did anyh of tghatg make anyh sense whatgsoerverb   

Ignorbe mostg of tghe g's, n's, h's and b's and itg mightg make sense.....    "

think he needs to visit pc world now

Sean I thought that was you with your wireless keyboard again :D :D

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