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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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The reaction of one our students (also the owners son) to a practical joke at work today ;D ;D ;D ;D

He made the mistake of revealing to me Monday that he doesn't like (read runs a mile) mice or rats while we were cleaning the grainstore so today myself and another student managed to dispatch one whilst loading the last of last years wheat out which was then rested on the steering wheel of a certain persons tractor he was using for topping so it was looking at him.......his reaction was better than expected ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Well tonight was very eventful!  :-X

The cumbrian police getting turned into a joke by alot of drunk 14/15 year olds! :-[

It all started when we where having a bbq at a mates house, well his house backs onto 10 acres of there land so we where all going to camp there tonight only for one of the neighbours to phone the police and say there was tresspassers and then when we all went in the house about 10/20 lads and lasses ran past the front and in the field as the police had been down at the river and tryed to get there alcohol or what ever they do, when 2 riot vans 4 police cars 7 police officers on foot and a police dog, the dog took more intrest in my mates dog that was in season and only 2 people got caught!  ???

Honestly was like watching jail brake or something! :D

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A SPAM email purporting to come from Microsoft...

I will, of course, NOT be sending my highly personal details! :police:

ATTN: Email User

I wish to use the medium to thank you for your patronage and to also tell you that I  feel  bad that my invention which made me the wealthiest overall person in  world from 1995 to 2009, excluding 2008, has robbed you of your funds, hard work and played with your Emotions  true SCAM for this reason I and the entire Microsoft team has put together a Compensation fund worth $93.5Million U.S.D as a meduim of giving back to the world for their support, in which millions of email addresses were randomly shuffled and your email I.D came out as 2nd  place group winner of $500.000.U.S.D and you are not to pay any upfront fee for receiving this compensation quickly contact Microsoft desk attendant (Robert .P. Allen) with your details to forward to the bank for immediate transfer of your funds on(........  ..........) along with the following details








Thank you


Bill Gates

Chairman of Microsoft

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  • 2 weeks later...

well it was ent today

but the day after the riots in the clapham area

two lads walking down the street (very close to the work site i live/work on) carring a brand new 50inch plasma tv with the wires still hanging out of it  stopped by the police

they told them they just brought it and were let go

police so gullable

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My cousin's grandaughter.  She is not yet a year old and I had a video of myself being interviewed on the TV.  She looked at the screen me and then at the real me and continued to switch views until I (the real me) spoke to her and she pointed at the TV me while still looking at the real me and laughed.  She had obviously worked it out

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just whitnessed  my karen my step daughter totaly loose it with her proper dad, shes been out car hunting today as shes got a job now after the baby, and shes really set on a honda civic, the current ones, he on the other hand is trying to off load his old 120k mileage renault megan off on her, saying 7 k for a cars way to much to spend, and he wont let her do it. she told him to go get ****** and mind his own bussiness, and told him if hes to bone idel to sell his own car, or accept the fact its kanckered, which is why shes selling her current car, and weirdly his last knackered one, then he is blind deaf and dumb.he has gone of in a huff, and his girlfriend has backed karen, so hes left her there and gone wthout her  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: 

guys a real wally and always trying to off load his old crap on her, the current cars cost her 1500 quid the last 2 years, and she will be doing 15k a year odd for work so a newish good car is important for her, and shes got the cash afterall

would love to be a fly on the wall when her dad gets home and the girlfriend does to ,recon hes in for a testicular removal operation going by her coments

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The sight of one of our students this morning after doing the irrigation, not only did two pipes blow apart as he was walking past them but after he repaired them and went to turn the line back on the pipe blew out of the take off tap just as the pressure built up and soaked him from head to toe, he came in the yard dripping ;D ;D ;D ;D

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went past a black cab style taxi  today in plymouth, across the passenger  windows in big letters was

"English driver, no eating, drinking or smoking in cab"

there sat in the front was Mr driver puffing away on a cigar of all things talk about hypercritical

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This really made me laugh, a pathetic attempt to spam and get you to send money to the criminals

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D You would have to be really, really gullible to fall for this one. I have seen others that look almost real but this one has no name, registration number or vehicle details on it.

New York State — Department of Motor Vehicles



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Local Police Code



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7:25 AM

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Date of Offense


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Description of Violation



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going to the building site that is loughborough train station straight from work (friday 1645pm) in hi vis (with HARLOWS in big letters on the back) and being verbally abused for the chaos that is ensuing by an angry man confused by the pay and display machine, the car park, and difficult task of catching a train that was supposed to arrive 10 minutes ago.  i happened to be on the phone to the present mrs goon at the time (coincidentally on the train that captain angry was waiting for) he told me i was rude for ignoring him for a phone call of a personal nature. so naturally i smiled , then told him to ""go away" and find someone who actually worked for national rail" in less words.

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