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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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Read a story about a woman from Florida state that called police after she did not get her chicken nuggets from Mcdonalds, sad but funny  :D :D :D Here is the news story:

FORT PIERCE, Fla. (March 3) - Authorities say a Florida woman called 911 three times after McDonald's employees told her they were out of McNuggets.

A police report said 27-year-old Fort Pierce resident Latreasa L. Goodman told authorities she paid for a 10-piece last week but was later informed the restaurant had run out.

She says she was refused a refund and told all sales were final. A cashier told police she offered Goodman a larger portion of different food for the same price, but Goodman became irate.

Police say Goodman was cited on a misuse of 911 charge. A current phone listing for Goodman couldn't be found.

A McDonald's spokesman says Goodman should have been given a refund, and she's being sent a gift card for a free meal.

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watchin gthe wife gloss the window sill, only for both the cats to jump up onto it to see what was going on, lovley set of paw prints right across it, then onto the new floor and across to the stairs,she was near on crying with laughter at them

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what i heard!!!

Markys mum rung into radio Cambs and told the presenter about his Massey collection, him being a Massey fan himself!....and the entire of Cambridgeshire now knows :D :D :D!!.....on a bad note, they said they were all dinky  >:( >:(>:(

i'll see if i can find a clip :-\ :-\ :-\

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made me laugh, but near on cry to, just went up in the loft to do a few bits, forgot my drill,  by the time i got back upstairs i found both kittens playing on the fields af ash tree farm, with one about to try and shedpard the pigs out of the new barn, thank the lord i got back 30 seconds later i think it could have been damage time :D :D :D :D :D ;Dnot sure when they mastered ladder climbing, but gonna have to be carefull from now on

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Having the mother of all hangover's for this morning after a 12 hrs in the same pub yesterday after some clay shooting  ;D ;D ;D

Then getting up for work this morning and my truck being as flat as a pancake after my dad left the lights on when he took it home yesterday afternoon  :D :D :D

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Drove into bottom field with sj, found 2 hares sat there, they bolted, i downshifted  ;) then drove after them, got up to 30 and the hare must have been doing 40  :D :D then he went through a gap in the hedge i went through the gate but i lost him  :-\ good laugh though, dog was going mental  :D :D :D

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the lad that came in to work to collect the frames of a 60ft x 30ft shed with a land rover and trailer and wouldnt take no for an answer, when i loaded them on the back wheels of the landy came off the ground, he still wanted to set off like that, eventully convinced him to take some of it off. although he was getting some ear bashing from his wife, i think he will need to put the shed up to sleep in :D :D

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two old fellas at b&q loading a 1 ton bag of ???? onto a trailer on the back of his old astra, only a tiny single wheel trailer  guy on the forklift was telling him its not a good idea, but off he went,15 min s later as we went home less than 400m off the turn on the main road out of plymouth, blocking the outside lane, is old pops wheel off on the near side and the bag split onto the road where it slipped out of the trailer

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there should be some rules about loading trailer like that... some of these owners just don't have a clue... in my opinion B & Q should have refused to load him up - what if it had hit a child (the wheel that is)... or caused an accident...

Some of these 'hobby trailers' are made of cheese as well.... I looked at one in Halfords the other day... frankly I wouldn't have put my lunch in it... let alone anything heavy  :o :o

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