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the farm where i am working have been combining on and off, they have cleared 45 acres of barley about a week ago that i have already baled, they have just harvested 60 acres of rape on friday night/ saturday morning, they still have a few acres of rape, about 80 acres of barley and 150 acres of wheat. i have got all that to bale but the weather is preventing that to.

here are a few pics of them in action







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Did 35 miles tonight, didn't see anything at work (been quite stormy today) but a few combines parked up...it seems the farm that ran the Fortschritt E517 I caught last year has replaced it with a Lexion 630. Seems odd seeing a 'mainstream' combine there, before the E517 was a Fortschritt E524 and before that they had Volvo S950s.

That is very very sadd :'( :'( :'(

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Interesting find this evening - a new Lexion - but this one does include a model number - apparently a 770. This was one working alongside a Lexion from 770 that was new last year. Despite the new machine having the V1200 rather than the V1050, it still appeared to be getting across the field a little faster.





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Interesting find this evening - a new Lexion - but this one does include a model number - apparently a 770. This was one working alongside a Lexion from 770 that was new last year. Despite the new machine having the V1200 rather than the V1050, it still appeared to be getting across the field a little faster.

i think ol,that will be one of the models claas are showing on there roadshow,i hope to go to the exeter event to see it,perhaps that farm has a early production version,i know there are a couple working on uk farms
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i think ol,that will be one of the models claas are showing on there roadshow,i hope to go to the exeter event to see it,perhaps that farm has a early production version,i know there are a couple working on uk farms

Yup - that would make some sense. Interestingly they were running two 770s last year - but there were still only 2 this year - 1 being the new version. Would suggest this isn't a demo machine - otherwise there would have been 3 of them! Saying that, I think they recently changed over from NHs so maybe Claas are keeping them sweet by offering them an early version of next years machine.

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Yup - that would make some sense. Interestingly they were running two 770s last year - but there were still only 2 this year - 1 being the new version. Would suggest this isn't a demo machine - otherwise there would have been 3 of them! Saying that, I think they recently changed over from NHs so maybe Claas are keeping them sweet by offering them an early version of next years machine.

a few selected claas customers are testing the new lexion before general release next season, that is the info from claas dealers manns. all new or updated combines are always put out on farms for final testing. i remember a few years back seeing the co-op farms estate up the road from me working a lexion 580 with a rather massive header and grain tank lid. the next season that very same combine stayed on the farm but was then a lexion 600.
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Odd in a way that the Lexion 780 (badged as 770) has the V1200 header and not the V1350 45ft one. Although, it might not have fitted in with the rape swaths?

Rape wasn't swathed - but they have v1050 headers on their 'old' 770s around me - many of the fields are smaller and quite tricky shapes so I think they seem to stay away from the very biggest headers - hence why I guess they have gone with the v1200. Unless of course it is a v1350 with a v1200 sticker on it....it did seem quite substantially bigger than the v1050 so it might be...

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well, i got the plough into the ground today on winter barley stubbles. and i am affraid to say to all the ploughmen on here that if you are on heavy-ish to heavy soil you are in for a shocker. ground is as wet as *hit and like plasticine. i am going to the dealers tommorrow to change my kverneland no 8 bodies for no.28's to see if that helps. this is on a field that is drained and had no compaction last autumn during cultivations.

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Odd in a way that the Lexion 780 (badged as 770) has the V1200 header and not the V1350 45ft one. Although, it might not have fitted in with the rape swaths?

No 1350's on release in uk this year as problems getting straw powerspreader to spread 45ft so they holding back till this sorted

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Rape wasn't swathed - but they have v1050 headers on their 'old' 770s around me - many of the fields are smaller and quite tricky shapes so I think they seem to stay away from the very biggest headers - hence why I guess they have gone with the v1200. Unless of course it is a v1350 with a v1200 sticker on it....it did seem quite substantially bigger than the v1050 so it might be...

Aha yes I see they are just leaving the rape straw. The V1200 and V1350 both have 8 reel sections so hard to judge without pacing out the cut width.

Hoss: Are you sure? As I am quite sure there is at least one on trial. So I was told anyway..

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well, i got the plough into the ground today on winter barley stubbles. and i am affraid to say to all the ploughmen on here that if you are on heavy-ish to heavy soil you are in for a shocker. ground is as wet as *hit and like plasticine. i am going to the dealers tommorrow to change my kverneland no 8 bodies for no.28's to see if that helps. this is on a field that is drained and had no compaction last autumn during cultivations.

Know what you mean there, I've already ploughed one field that has some clay patches in it, however the slats on my plough don't smear it like solid bodies with. That field is already drilled and growing away nicely.

Talking of wet.......I've been having fun with the combine on two of our wettest fields today, took me 3 hours to cut 4 acres as I was spending so much time reversing out of it. This was one of the worst wet bits, dropped in there before I twigged what was going on......not nedded a chain yet though!



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Travelling between Cheffins and home today and everywhere I looked there ws either a cloud of dust or a combine in view. Lexions and CR's mainly with a CX, AFX, 2388, JD 2256, Dommy 106 and also aLexion 750 on the road, first new'un I have seen.

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A few pics - all with a Case theme - there definitely seem to be more of these appearing around my way. First up, a 9010 and a CX5080 (which I think is basically a New Holland TX painted red).






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Followed by a brand new 9230, running on tracks. Only a few photos as was getting dark so will try to get a picture later in harvest that shows the tracks to full effect. The farm previously ran a 9010 which caught fire at the end of last harvest and was written off...so this is it's replacement. The fire obviously didn't put them off red machines.





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well we have been flat out at calley farm, in the past few days weve had mishaps and problems everywhere.

i have baled over 500 bales in the past 3 days, all the rape has been done and the rest of the barley being done now, and i have also been loading bales in the fields while one of the other workers carts the trailers away and the boss is unloading them at the yard,

we are currently running 9 bale trailers being moved by the jcb;s and the mf 3085, we did have the 168 on them aswell untill the radiator blew up this afternoon.

the baler has been playing up, we had some dodgy netwrap in it that it didnt like and so had to be changed as it wasnt wrapping th bales but was wrapping everything else up. ive had to get the back window replaced on the baler tractor as a stone flicked up and smashed the window(this didnt stops me baling though). we have also had kids from the local estates being a pain and racing round the fields on dirt bikes and we had to call the police out as one of the contractors was stopped in his valtra and threatened with a knife and this was in broad daylight by the pub at the end of the lane tp the fields.

me and the boss have also carted around 400 bales today and then i went and baled around 20 acres of a 40 acres field tonight of barley straw, i only did half as its right out the front of a rough housing estate and we are not sure off all the bales i have baled will be there in the morning as the kids like to cut the netwrap off and have set fire to them in the past











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