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miniagripassion john deere 4440

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how do all. this tractor arrived to me from phillipe foxhall in Belgium, who is mr miniagripassion. the model didnt arrive totaly unscathed, the beacon needs a straighten up and a small repaire was needed to the front axle[due to bad postal handling] the model arrived fixed on a small plinth in the usual map wooden box which was placed in a large cardboard box and buried in polystyrene pieces, but not one mention on the outside that the contents were fragile!!. this tractor is not going to be every ones cup of tea due to the fairly high cost and its purely for display only as it is very fragile. the total cost with postage and insurance came to £195. well lets talk about the tractor. the purists out there, of which i am not one, may say that as the tractor has the bonnet indicators that the lower half of the cab should be painted green, and maybe the mirror stalks are a bit chunky etc, etc. the tractor is made of resin with a white metal front axle, which steers left and right, and weighs a total of 240 grams. the paintwork on this model i have to say is absolutely flawless, stunning. cab door opens as does the rear window which is a nice touch, and when the door is shut it fits almost perfectly with just a millimeter here and there of a gap. cab interior is excellent in detail as are the light fixtures which are real crystal inserts.the one glaring omision from this tractor is no drive train to the front axle, which for the money, lets it down a bit if i am honest. the 's' model phillipe has produced does have it though. good old style deere front weights are supplied in a little bag and they slide on individually with ease. front windsreen wipers make a nice extra touch as do the reflective mirror inserts.rad cap, fuel cap and black hand rail on the bonnet look good, and the decals are top notch. at the rear, the linkage moves up and down and has a top link thich is fixed in situe. the tractor, in my oppinion, will not support any implements, as the link arms are very fragile.all the wheels turn freely, and rear rims have excellent detail. tyres are chunky and have a good soft-ish rubber look to them. to sum up, is the model worth the money? i would say yes really. the model before postage costs etc, etc was £170. having got this tractor i will definately be getting the 's' model, but having it posted really worries me a bit. it is insured, and if the damage to my model was catastrophic, it would be exchanged, no problem. if i can get bazzza at udimore to pick me one up at zwolle and not put enough mark-up on it to take his family on holiday for 2 weeks :P :P, i will probably wait until then. but there is always spalding i suppose. i am not going to score the tractor overal, but score a few points individualy. paint finish; 10/10, cab interior detail; 10/10. overal appearance for detail would have been 10/10 but no front drive train lets it down a little,but it does have great front weights, so 9/10. overal quality of workmanship has to be 10/10. the hours that must have gone into this model must really add up,and phillipe has really got an eye for detail. there isnt one trace of glue or a paint run anywhere.here are the pics, and yes i know the beacon is lop-sided. it will be straighened when i get a minute or two. as malcy p would say, let the slateing begin.....post-3323-0-94564800-1343067207_thumb.jppost-3323-0-54859200-1343067267_thumb.jppost-3323-0-65096400-1343067320_thumb.jppost-3323-0-30796400-1343067401_thumb.jppost-3323-0-54493800-1343067453_thumb.jppost-3323-0-13707100-1343067504_thumb.jppost-3323-0-93709900-1343067563_thumb.jppost-3323-0-00770800-1343067621_thumb.jppost-3323-0-70940400-1343067676_thumb.jppost-3323-0-35085600-1343067724_thumb.jppost-3323-0-53923100-1343067772_thumb.jppost-3323-0-35187000-1343067823_thumb.jppost-3323-0-28945500-1343067873_thumb.jppost-3323-0-21064000-1343067918_thumb.jppost-3323-0-27341600-1343067968_thumb.jppost-3323-0-46106600-1343068030_thumb.jppost-3323-0-04973900-1343068083_thumb.jp

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looks excellent chris i can see me having to add one of these to the collection

you wont be dissapointed brian. i must say, as an extra point, phillipe foxhall was great in keeping me updated via email. shame about the post service, but i got really lucky i think.
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chris, if you make spalding and are after that 4240s then try neils ,he usally has them , i know barry wont post the ones hes got in the 3000 series , neils usally has all the ones they have done, so the 7810, 6910?? and the various 3000's

good idea shaun about spalding. now i have seen the quality of the tractors i shall be adding a few more map tractors to the collection.
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Really nice model Chris, I bet you're pleased with it.

The front axle, is it a front wheel assist version - hydraulic motor drives, reckon that would explain the lack of a propshaft on an otherwise super accurate model

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Really nice model Chris, I bet you're pleased with it.

The front axle, is it a front wheel assist version - hydraulic motor drives, reckon that would explain the lack of a propshaft on an otherwise super accurate model

now that explains it! having never driven one of these, i had forgotten all about the front wheel assist. the model has 2 well detailed hydraulic hoses going to each wheel [in behind the hub]. well done mate, the model now scores 10/10 for accuracy.
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thanks pete. having made many a decent model yourself, by the time you have bought parts and paint and every thing else, it all adds up to very near the price of this model. you are lucky to have the skill to be able to do it, whereas i am a bit less skilled, so for me i would rather pay the money. get that bateman finished pete, i cant wait to see it!
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Chris you aint wrong with the price of building models. I do enjoy building them but time and part would cost the same as one of these. will post pics of the 3350 and 2140 I am building as well as the 3050 i have built tonight before i head home to scotland to get on the real tractor.

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  • 2 months later...

Nice review Chris. Got my batch today of 4440 & 4240S and as expected WOW..If Dave Purdue built JD's they would be up there with these beauties..but as he doesn't nothing compares in my little mind. The amount of effort that has gone into these is incredible and I have been on at all of the scratchbuild / conversion guys that we all wanted to see an amazing 4240 and boy heck have we now got one

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Nice review Chris. Got my batch today of 4440 & 4240S and as expected WOW..If Dave Purdue built JD's they would be up there with these beauties..but as he doesn't nothing compares in my little mind. The amount of effort that has gone into these is incredible and I have been on at all of the scratchbuild / conversion guys that we all wanted to see an amazing 4240 and boy heck have we now got one

brilliant but barry i have built around 12 john deeres still have 3 left to do surprised ? >:D;D
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