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Oh deer, that sounds bad :o to want him gone , what your Murder plan didnt work  :D :D

I'm not that warped Ad  ;):D I console myself with the fact that unless something very untoward happens, I don't have to live out my days with him around, at his age and alcohol consumption I don't think he'll have that long left!  :D  I've never had this sort of opinion of anyone before, but I've finally found that bloke who really serves no purpose.... after a  career as a husband and father during which he deemed his fists his most efficient form of communication and 'parenting', the result of which is his kids won't have anything to do with him anymore [they're waiting for him to cop it...] he is now a lonely, bitter, vile and mean old ba*tard with nothing better to do than make my life a misery...

I'm flattered that I'm all he has to live for but it does get tiresome!  :D

He's still phoning everyone he can complaining about my extension to the point where not only the village have had enough of listening to him drivel on, but the council are losing their patience with him now. It doesn't end there either...

He has a collie X which he keeps caged behind his house and this poor dog howls 'often' to say the least, but he tells everyone it's our dog... who lives in the house and doesn't make a peep.... while we were on holiday Bram went to stay with some friends a few miles away, he was in the pub while his dog was howling away... he was telling everyone it was our dog and how he can't sleep for the howling... a couple came in who have kids at school with ours and he tried telling them the same story about how dreadful we are... until they pointed out to all in the pub where our dog was and that he doesn't howl....

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