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What really annoyed you today

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This is the opposite end of the spectrum to me 'laugh' post. What did you see today while you were out and about, at schoold, or at home that rwally wound you up?

For me, bringing a 44t lorry to a standstill only to find the person not indicating on the roundabout was actually going LEFT!!!!! So I could have gone without stopping!!! Grrrrrrrrr. >:( >:(>:( >:(

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People on this Forum who ask for things and when they get them don't have the courtesy to say 'Thank You'

REALLY  :o that does genuinely surprise me  :-\ :-\ sorry to hear that paul.

lorry drivers who stop too damn close to the back of my car when i'm about to turn left at a roundabout  >:(

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why if you drop something on your foot does it always miss the steel toe cap and land higher up  ???  ;):D

Thats all to do with sods law!!

I think it must have been the very first time I had ever been to work in 10+ years minus my steel toe caps and I broke my big toe!!

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