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What really annoyed you today

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Well yesterday everything went wrong that could of, ride on grass box broke .....then customer left some hand shears in the grass and i drove over them not good..... then drive belt went chew chew and thats not even 4 weeks old .... then fixed car management light came on again..... and thats just the start would of been cheaper to stay in bed all day . and all people could say was  WELL IT IS FRIDAY THE 13TH..   

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Well yesterday everything went wrong that could of, ride on grass box broke .....then customer left some hand shears in the grass and i drove over them not good..... then drive belt went chew chew and thats not even 4 weeks old .... then fixed car management light came on again..... and thats just the start would of been cheaper to stay in bed all day . and all people could say was  WELL IT IS FRIDAY THE 13TH..   

was reading some where of a boy 13 years olad was struck by lightening on frday the 13th at 13:13

now that is what i call bad luck !! :P

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After studying the weather forecast I saw it was due to rain Tuesday so I phoned my blacksmith at Millbank Sauchen on Sunday night to arrange to take my French Farmall Cub up to get modifications done to the new exhaust and also make ring for drawbar and attach plough spring hitch to my Ransomes TS42A trailing plough. At around 3pm today I loaded the boot with all the bits and pieces and pulled out the Ifor Williams trailer and hitched on. No sooner had I done this and the phone rang it was Alistair saying the power from the fuse box to his welder had died and he would have to wait for the electrician to come and would have to postpone me to the end of the week. If only he had phoned me before car and trailer hitched >:( >:(

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Been one of those days today, still managed to get 220 bales done somehow but had 4 incidents today that resulted in raising my blood pressure.....

1) At 8am my 6920s decides to yet again develop injection pump trouble making the engine hunt and derate the fuel supply in the process......has now been traced so hopefully will be fixed once and for all once the bits come in for it.

2) At 11am on the first round of the field with the baler the right hand packer tine arm self destructs and flies apart under the pick-up, part not in stock at the dealers so been running it without all day

3) At 1pm one of the expansion springs on the bale ramp snaps and comes flying against the back wheel of the tractor, again part not in stock so been using it without

4) At 3.30pm baler gets a puncture, regular tyre company can't attend till tomorrow morning so the other company we use come and fix it and we notice the wheel bearings are loose in the process so they're now on the list as well ::)

5) Tractor decides to derate fuel pump just as baler takes a large lump of straw in causing revs to die and blocking the baler solid in the process just as it starts to feed the net in......not once but two bales in a row leaving me two burst bales to push out and re-bale ::)

Could have done without these hassles today after finishing baling at 11.30pm last night, never seen so much straw on a wheat field in all the time I've worked on farms!

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well you'll have a job to beat this one...

Was out 'tinkering around' today (that's basically... buggering about doing nothing)... gets a text "Mark can you come corn carting today" ... I replied yes... I hot tail it to work.. drop off the loader.. leg it to the farm (30 minutes away)... pick up my trailer... drive like a loony to the field... combine is running... lights flashing... pulls up under the auger... and the heavens open  :of>:( >:(  ... got two fills into one trailer load and it's rain stop play  :'( :'( :'( :'(

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Blimey, Mark. That's bad news and not what you want to see. I know you start work at some un-godly hours sometimes. Hope your insurance got it sorted quick smart. Who have you upset then to get that kind of retaliation, like Sean said it is odd that the car park is so secure but they managed to get in to attack just your car?

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That is a very nasty thing to get done to a car. If anyone did that to mime and i found out who did it I  would go mental.

What annoyed me today was I signed up dad for a better AA package I could get as business use and phoned to cancel his roadside only package which was £ 52. It was a foreigner I could barely understand but he immediatly said he would do us for £ 28 to keep us. I then said you are not listening to me I have got a better business deal and hence want to cancel this one which was payable by me by continuous debit card on or around 28th May. He then put me on hold for ages. When he came back on I started speaking again and he acused me of interrupting him and being rude. Well I wasn't taking that so politely told him i was the customer and he should listen to me. What annoyed me even more was no refund until 9th September 2010. I hate call centres >:( >:(

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at the show i went to today i saw a boxed ertl 9420t for £45 and a boxed ertl 8530 for £30, quite good prices i thought, so i said to myself i would go back later and get one if i have enough money left over but i completely forgot :(  oh well i suppose some one else got them at that prise anyway  :)

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