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What really annoyed you today

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Oh indeed.... if I could only turn him around to face the other way and fart on demand Tris I'd have a real deterrent.... alas... he'll just stare at you with his cute puppy dog face wagging his tail... waiting to pounce on you and lick you within an inch of your life.. usually moments after he's cleaned his pink piccolo  :of 


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I've just noticed... Mrs F's not cleaned the leaves off the patio either  >:( .. you just wait until she gets in from work  >:(

Pah... she can do it straight after getting my tea and running a bath for me  :P

:D :D :D :D

I am, of course joking ladies.... you know I'd not doing anything remotely as sexist as that really.. Christ... I even bought her her own sweepomatic thingy recently as well  :of .. I know... I know... she's spoilt rotten  ::)

FTF wants you to know that no Marky's were harmed in the making of this post...

Hello darling... you are home I see  :angel: .............. THWACK  :'(

FTF wants you to know that almost no Marky's were harmed in the making of this post...

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marky, have you thought about a product called "smartwater "??? we have started using it on cables and other areas, you can get small bombs as such of it ,and can paint it on parts like hoses ect, its waterproof and once on you its apparently nigh on impossable to get off clothing hands ect ,it shows up via infra red lights, when you buy it you get a unique number to your firm,

they claim its stopped thefts of our cable by 40%,yet to belive that,  in areas its been used on new cables, so they move to older areas and nick it there, but once the new stuff is in replacing the old cables , the old act or going back and removing it again a few weeks later has also stopped

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If you have some pocket money Mark, this item might be worth investing in. Likewise, the whole site is an interesting "browse" ;)


On what annoyed me...a certain ebay buyer who knows the postal fraud / no tracking number scam. Requests cheaper postage, then claims the item never turns up. My own fault for giving in to "its hard times so can't you send it standard royal mail".  >:(  A lesson has been learnt!

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just been stiched up at work, got told i had to work on tonight due to finish dates etc, so called and told the step daughter i had to miss getting the little, which caused all sorts of agro for her and her fella, feeling really guilty from it, last 2 jobs could not get finished due to faults and specilist stores being needed which we do not carry, rang up to tell them and the buggers turn round and say no worrys, we dont need them till midnight tommorrow so leave them till the nmorn???/ what happend to needing them tonight then?? we shall see tommorrow as we both cancled stuff to do this for nothing

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Came across a turf team working using a Same Antares and the Lamborghini R3.................so far so good..............I took 24 photos with my new i-phone and when I have tried to download them and then post them up on here i-tunes has deleted all my files and I have lost them  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

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Came across a turf team working using a Same Antares and the Lamborghini R3.................so far so good..............I took 24 photos with my new i-phone and when I have tried to download them and then post them up on here i-tunes has deleted all my files and I have lost them  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

Did the air turn a vivid shade of blue, Mike?

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The shear amount of Music Artists that are in Belfast for one of the Biggest Music events on the Calendar, MTV EMA's. There are only a max of 20 min from me and I can't get anywhere near them!!

I'd pay over the odds for a ticket but better chance of finding hens teeth  :-\ :-\ :-\

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Times are bad to resort to stealing petrol.....wonder what would happen if you took an old plastic petrol can filled is full of gas and add one cup of sugar....bet the fool would be walking within a day.. ;D

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My domain host not responding to several emails regarding my failure to connect to their pop3 server.  >:(

I have had no emails via my domain since Friday afternoon.  Fortunately I have other email accounts I can use.  Next step is a telephone call!

Saturday I could not see my website or even the webhosts main page although they are now working.  Obviously they have had problems but....

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the bloody t1t who came round the corner on the wrong side of the road this eve , swerved and missed me, which only happend after i went for the bank on my nearside to miss him,  but in doing that took my passanger side wing mirror off completly  and cracked the small window in the process as it came in ,guess there was a branch or something just there, no body damage to the back or  cab which is a bonus i guess, just got loads of forms to fil in now, but my mate behind has backed me over how it happened   

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Went into work at 9am to help with the potato grading as we're emptying the store at present and sending them off to McCains, boss greets me when I get there with the universal all stopped hand gesture......he'd just got a TEXT from McCains saying all loads were cancelled today, it was sent at 7pm last night. He rang them up and it turns out that A B Texel (the haulier) knew at midday yesterday but didn't pass the information on so there were 4 of us went into work today who needn't have been there >:( >:(

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Bloody Dutch, never trust them Gav.  :P Apart from terrible prices hauliers must be a veg farmers worsed nightmare. Saying that, we were loading potatoes thursday and had told them we wanted to get done that day as we had to load onions the next day. And of course the last lorry popped up (Butter not Texel) and said he was due for loading at 7 AM next day! Luckily he agreed to do it the same evening so we could get ready for next day.

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