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15 hours ago, mf135 said:

Smithy me old mate this could be your new/ first avatar picture? What you reckon. 

No I don't think so as it might blow my under-cover operations and I would have to retire from active service

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On 5 May 2016 at 10:43 AM, smithy said:

No I don't think so as it might blow my under-cover operations and I would have to retire from active service

Yep Julie told me about your under cover operation! 

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  • 1 month later...

Friggin ambulance driver on a 999 call today, heard him coming up the hill behind me in saltash, Infact he was a good 150m behind me when I pulled over into a bus bay to let him past, comes hurtling up the hill doing a good 30 mph maybe certainly not slower, sat looking in my mirror and thinking he is bloody close as he comes by  and with that with a huge bang , my wing mirror is hit taking it clean off and sending it sailing off up the road behind him a good 25 m landing on the pavement In front of some people ,very lucky not hitting them, I suspect ,going by the sound of breaking glass and the tiny square bits all over the road , his passenger side wing mirror broke and also went through the door window . Just carried on of up the hill, some guy got his reg number,how I don't know as I didn't get time to see it, and several people gave me their numbers as witnesses to it. My boss left a message with the office in Exeter ,but I suspect we won't get any where with it. It's a real pain driving a box van back with no mirror to see what's by or around you I can assure you .

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Slow space  awareness, if I went any further in I would have been in the post office front window, busses clear the road in it ,it's not like the vans invisible with the chapter 8 markings on the rear, I've big red yellow hazard markings on it. I suspect the passenger in it wasn't amused being covered in glass, as it must had done his window ,way to much glass and wrong type to be just his mirror on the road . Just waiting for them to try and blame us for not pulling in further . 

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A new mirror is the only thing ours is capable of doing, even then I had to fit it. Ours is so bad it's got a national reputation with the guys who deliver and take away the vans. Mines just done over 100k but have had an email saying a new ones due in July, and the reg is in the list in there months arrivals to , looks like it's a fist Ducato for me now , sad day to loose the transit .

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  • 2 months later...

Had some spare tickets for a show. Person on Facebook wanted them and led me on with tons of messages all week only to no show on the day... Typical really.

What made it worse is they came up with some silly reason for not being there only for me to see photos of them at the event on their Facebook wall.

Anyway, show was good at least, even if I am down £120 for not having time to find new buyers for spare tickets thanks to the idiot. 

Rant over >:(

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

just found out i have to go to croydon at the start of december for a 1 day course, means driving up on the sunday afternoon , wasting half of my day,on flat rate travel, so less than a normal days rate let alone ot, spending 1 day there till 5pm, then driving back on the m25 etc at rush hour as we can not stay a second night, course finishes at 17.00 . 3 of us going, but got to take the vans , not a hire car, all because they allowed something to expire despite us saying it needed doing . could have done it via a online computer course for free if they listened, oh well its cost them as i could only mysteriously book us i to the hilton, and they only had executive rooms left  as well ?? :rolleyes::rolleyes:;D;D;D 

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2 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

just found out i have to go to croydon at the start of december for a 1 day course, means driving up on the sunday afternoon , wasting half of my day,on flat rate travel, so less than a normal days rate let alone ot, spending 1 day there till 5pm, then driving back on the m25 etc at rush hour as we can not stay a second night, course finishes at 17.00 . 3 of us going, but got to take the vans , not a hire car, all because they allowed something to expire despite us saying it needed doing . could have done it via a online computer course for free if they listened, oh well its cost them as i could only mysteriously book us i to the hilton, and they only had executive rooms left  as well ?? :rolleyes::rolleyes:;D;D;D 

Pole climbing by any chance? Often drive past BT's yard off Hannibal way, all you can see is a lot of poles stuck up in the air.

Croydon is one of the boroughs that we do all of the mowing and baling conservation work, hedge cutting and verge mowing for. Keep an eye out for a JD and give us a wave.

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  • 4 weeks later...

AMAZON! Grrrrr! Ordered a Leonard Cohen box set for the wife, (honest!), at £23.00... Post Office destroyed it and didn't even try to deliver to me, but sent back to Amazon as 'crushed in transit'. Amazon arrange replacement, I download MP3 version for her to listen to while awaiting new CDs and all was well.

Last night, got an email from Amazon saying that 'my' return was with them, but as I had downloaded the MP3s, they would charge me £43.00 for the privelige!


After a long chat on their helpline, they agreed to refund it to me, but asked me to please not send back items that I've already downloaded a version of in future.


Fur flew and a few words were exchanged, as I explained that I had never received the CDs, let alone returned them and it was all THEIR fault that this had happened.

They then grudgingly admitted that it might be their problem and hopefully, I will now receive a refund and the CDs I originally ordered...

Watch this space.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, chris.watson said:

Erm, have you found out father Christmas has put you the naughty list. Can't guess what else it could be.;D

Smithy's a good boy! And Santa's going to unload a big load down his chimney to reward him. Model tractors that is! 

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