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What really annoyed you today

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My house sale has fallen through as our buyers have pulled out grrrrr.

We have practically boxed up the house ready for the move that was scheduled for 6th November, I have spent over a week boxing up my collection even though a couple of wing mirrors did not survive the process. I am not going to unbox them again in case we find another buyers but, at the very least, this is going to put us back several months. I would probably just cause more damage to some rather flimsy models with my cack handedness

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6 minutes ago, Tractorman810 said:

thats pretty late to fall through mike,does it effect where your moving to in any way ,are they ok to wait ,as for the models  i would say leave them boxed,like you say fixing them aint your greatest skill if you should break more unboxing, then re boxing 

Not sure at the moment Sean, the sellers of the bungalow are in Spain on holiday until next week, we are hoping that they will wait but, that might not happen.

On the plus side, Openreach have been working outside our address this week laying fibre cables to the house, just waiting for them to be connected after which I should have superfast speeds, (just in time for me to move away)

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I seem to be getting really annoyed at the moment following on from our aborted house sale. 

On Saturday evening we had some of the grandchildren on a sleepover and they wanted a bath. Half way through running the bath, the water went cold so I was asked to have a look at the boiler. I opened the cupboard door to see water squirting everywhere and coming out of the sides of the boiler, not good!

I called the local boiler engineers as we have a maintenance contract with them to be told that it was cream crackered and had boiled its last. As a result we now needed a new boiler which they cannot fit until Thursday, it is also going to cost me a pretty penny as well.

As a result we have no heating and no hot water and then on Monday evening Mrs R was boiling the kettle to get some water for washing up when that also went POP. As a result I have had to go and buy a new kettle today, it never ends and it has left me wondering if I have run over a black cat or broken a mirror recently. 

If we didn't have bad luck then we wouldn't have any luck at all.

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1 hour ago, robbo said:

I seem to be getting really annoyed at the moment following on from our aborted house sale. 

On Saturday evening we had some of the grandchildren on a sleepover and they wanted a bath. Half way through running the bath, the water went cold so I was asked to have a look at the boiler. I opened the cupboard door to see water squirting everywhere and coming out of the sides of the boiler, not good!

I called the local boiler engineers as we have a maintenance contract with them to be told that it was cream crackered and had boiled its last. As a result we now needed a new boiler which they cannot fit until Thursday, it is also going to cost me a pretty penny as well.

As a result we have no heating and no hot water and then on Monday evening Mrs R was boiling the kettle to get some water for washing up when that also went POP. As a result I have had to go and buy a new kettle today, it never ends and it has left me wondering if I have run over a black cat or broken a mirror recently. 

If we didn't have bad luck then we wouldn't have any luck at all.

Things come in 3s , keep you chin up and i am sure things will change 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

The phonecall I got yesterday from the man rebuilding my 7840s gearbox…. The previous rebuild done by a main dealer under warranty in the 2000s was nothing but a hatchet butcher job. It also was described as a ticking time bomb and he was surprised it had lasted as long as it had.
Followed by the hedge cutter throwing a branch into the diesel tank on my 6320 bursting it yesterday afternoon.

Edited by Jd6320driver
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  • 4 months later...

JOHN DEERE have gone "woke"!!

Personally I despise this lefty marxist bullsh1t, it's getting ridiculous.  I am tolerant to other's freedom's to be who they want to be and living their live's accordingly, but don't force it on the rest of us.


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  • 2 months later...

Okay, so some people are going to call me pedantic but, there is something that really gets my goat and I don't really know why. It is a word that tends to get used regularly when it refers to tractors and their wheel systems and one I have seen on Facebook this morning.

Duel = a fight to the death between 2 parties, think pistols at dawn on Hampstead Heath, that sort of thing.

Dual = two of - twin wheels or twin anything for that matter.

As I have said, I will no doubt get some flak for calling this out but, having a mother who was an English language teacher coloured my perception, just don't get me started on the other common mistakes.

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I tried to find an image of a tractor on duels on a duel carriageway!!


Innovative County cutters in the 1970s | Heritage Machines


*I purposefully used the incorrect duel/dual!

*yes, it's a motorway and not a dual-carriageway!


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30 minutes ago, Barry said:

I tried to find an image of a tractor on duels on a duel carriageway!!


Innovative County cutters in the 1970s | Heritage Machines


*I purposefully used the incorrect duel/dual!

*yes, it's a motorway and not a dual-carriageway!


somebody might find themselves unceremoniously dumped on the side of a dual carriageway in Holland in a couple weeks time 😁

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