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What really annoyed you today

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:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

That got me laughing!! Can just see you now, racing back in to the attic, glue and paint at the ready, ripping the packaging apart like a child at Christmas. .. then the big pause. ..

  ... .... Shoes?  ::)

Or his brother storming up to the attic and find his brand new shoes stuck to the floor  :D :D

Bad luck Matty, i can imagine that happening to me, i seriously could  :D

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Oh... thats bad luck Bazza... never mind... look on the bright side... think of all those dot to dot drawings you can do while you are away on holiday with them  :D :D

Nah dont think we can go as its sunny pontins and cant mix the kids with others  >:(
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I got persuaded to upgrade to 8Mb Broadband by BT a few months back. It was free!! The speed went up from 1.1Mb to 1.9Mb!!!! It has now dropped back to 1.1Mb permanently.

I emailed them and got this response...

To confirm, I have tested your line using ?Availability Checker? and found that the maximum speed available on your line is 2Mb. Therefore, you are receiving a normal broadband speed. Please be informed that it is normal that the broadband connection would slow down when the traffic is high. The actual speed that you would receive at your premises depends on the following factors:

1. The distance of your premises from the nearest exchange.

2. The quality and the length of the line.

3. The internal wiring at the premises.

4. The number of connection available from the exchange.

What was the point in getting me to change? And why has it dropped back now?

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No I was with BT to start with. It just annoyed me as when they rang up and offered me an upgrade I said that it would not work due to the distance from the exchange - "Oh no that wont be a problem"!! But hey it was free!

I'm more interested why it has dropped back.

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can see your point mate it's not good when you get an upgrade then the speed drops down again might be an idea when you ring them up is ask to talk to someone higher up rather than just call operate that's what I do, you might get it sorted then  ;) drop in an odd remark about taking your bussisness to another provider sometime helps as well  ;)

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No I was with BT to start with. It just annoyed me as when they rang up and offered me an upgrade I said that it would not work due to the distance from the exchange - "Oh no that wont be a problem"!! But hey it was free!

I'm more interested why it has dropped back.

prob is ,unless yu go with a cable company mate, thats got a new network, like virgin media ,then even if you go to any other provider they use our lines so they wont be any faster,its a prob we have to deal with at work on a regular basis trust me , if your speed has dropped i wolud say you have a fault on the line ,but unless the line goes off they wont do anything about it, as you have service,theres a couple of other things you can do in your house that help, if you want to know more send me a pm, and i will explain them better for you

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This broadband thing is another topic really but whilst we are still on the subject, I am gratefull for what I've got as my broadband is totaly free. A close neighbour of mine was quoted something in the region of 38 grand to put in a phone line 300 yards to his premmises so what we did was put an extra line to my house and the phone signal is wirelessley transmitted to an antenna on one of my sheds that beams the signal half a mile to his place. The kit for this, the homehub and all the gubbins is in my house and my computer is hard-wired into the system so in actual fact we are sharing the same connection, works a treat.

But there was an annoying twist a little while ago, we attempted to get the signal to my Brother next door by puting in his house a wireless jobby. Got it up and running perfect, 2 days later he lost the connection, it turned out that somewhere down the line the provider detected this and cut the connection on the wireless side as the flashing light on the homehub has permanently gone out now.

Bas***ds!  :(  ::)

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The knife going t!ts up on the baler.........only got 15 successfuly baled all day! Now waiting for an engineer to come and fix it a.s.a.p, so we can get it rolled up tonight. >:( >:(>:(

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Bl**dy phones. I hate them. All they ever seem to do is bring bad news and aggravation. At work all I ever get is drivers ringing me up to say they are going to run out of driving time and I may have to go and rescue them, or calls to say that there's something wrong with their truck, usually late in the day when I was hoping to go home early.  >:(

    Today I got a phone call at work to say that  one of our cats had been run over and died shortly afterwards. My wife and her girls were all heartbroken and crying.  My wife had a cake stall at the Uckfield Festival, and had to rush home to try and get the cat to the vets to see if anything could be done to save her, but she was dead by the time they got her there. The car ran over her head so her chances weren't good anyway.

    I will really miss her as she used to hear my car coming up our road and she would run to meet me, and when I had gathered up all my bits and pieces; I used to pick her up and throw her over my shoulder and take her indoors for something to eat. She was a Bengal cross, very talkative and nicknamed Row Row (As in argue, not he boat rowing version) When you said hello to her she replied....row row. Now she's gone,her short little life ended, and she'll be buried in our garden, never to be forgotten.  :'(


Row Row (Chanelle)    31-8-04 to 14-7-07  R.I.P  Little cat.  :-* :'(

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Bl**dy phones. I hate them. All they ever seem to do is bring bad news and aggravation. At work all I ever get is drivers ringing me up to say they are going to run out of driving time and I may have to go and rescue them, or calls to say that there's something wrong with their truck, usually late in the day when I was hoping to go home early.  >:(

     Today I got a phone call at work to say that  one of our cats had been run over and died shortly afterwards. My wife and her girls were all heartbroken and crying.   My wife had a cake stall at the Uckfield Festival, and had to rush home to try and get the cat to the vets to see if anything could be done to save her, but she was dead by the time they got her there. The car ran over her head so her chances weren't good anyway.

     I will really miss her as she used to hear my car coming up our road and she would run to meet me, and when I had gathered up all my bits and pieces; I used to pick her up and throw her over my shoulder and take her indoors for something to eat. She was a Bengal cross, very talkative and nicknamed Row Row (As in argue, not he boat rowing version) When you said hello to her she replied....row row. Now she's gone,her short little life ended, and she'll be buried in our garden, never to be forgotten.  :'(

Dear Will, I am so sorry for you... it's horrible when you lose an animal that's been such a big part of your life. :'(

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Just a quick post to thank those of you kind enough to express your  sympathy at the loss of our lovely cat. Sadly that's the downside of having pets and the thing we all hate. As they say, "There's never a good time to die" especially as she was a fit, quirky and sometimes cranky cat whose life was cut short a few weeks before her third birthday. I have posted a picture of her in my original post. Many thanks, Will. :(

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