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What really annoyed you today

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Couple days ago but aint had day off to be on here really :D :D Having to reverse for nearly half a mile down a road to a passing bit all because a bloke towing a tiddly carvan literally the size of small ifor williams trailer wudnt reverse 20ft i sat there for 5-10 mins no movement in end i knew was needed by combine so reversed fully loaded up hill was fun :D>:( >:(

Should have used my method, switch off the engine, grab your drink and lean back with your feet up on the door rail, they soon get the message ;D

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had to get up at  7 this morn to house sit for a friend, for builders to fit a new lamanite floor, wallys have turned up with 12 packs ready to go,1 hr late, and have just discovered they have 8 of the 9mm and 4 of the 12mm, thickness, dont builders know how to read,bang goes my easy3 hr visit >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

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just realised that im going back to school on wednesday end of summer end of earning money when i get homework

one good thing a mate gav836 has just showen me how to post pictures

Think of it this way - you are going to school to learn so you can make even more money!  There is a bright side to everything. 

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just realised that im going back to school on wednesday end of summer end of earning money when i get homework

one good thing a mate gav836 has just showen me how to post pictures

a mate  :D :D :D::)

sorry Gav, what was my order again ;) ;) ::)

for me, work as usual, never simple......and the wife wants to give up teaching and run a B&B on a farm......should i look into it :-\ :-\

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a mate  :D :D :D::)

sorry Gav, what was my order again ;) ;) ::)

for me, work as usual, never simple......and the wife wants to give up teaching and run a B&B on a farm......should i look into it :-\ :-\

About 50% dearer than it was 15 minutes ago ;D::):D :D ;)

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Checking my credit card account online to find some t**t has been charging things to my account.  Looks likesome one has got hold of my card details.

Credit card company very good and helpful, everything not ours will be refunded.  However now we have to go through the rigmarol of no card for a while then changing everything.  BLAAAAAAAAAAAAST................

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Funny you should say that Joe, mines just been down for 20 minutes or so.....  >:(

Frustrating isn't it?  Mine doesn't go off for that long, I seem to lose the connection whenever I want to send an email or do a post - its annoying when you type something out, try and send it, get the dreaded 'page cannot be displayed' screen, and then go back to what you typed and find it gone and you have to start again!

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Phoning the Armed Careers office to cancel my application for the royal navy because theyve taken ages to decide to accept my medical or not. they asked why i told them i was joining the merchant navy  :D :D :D. they said theyll hurry it up too late now  >:( >:(

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