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What really annoyed you today

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Frustrating isn't it?  Mine doesn't go off for that long, I seem to lose the connection whenever I want to send an email or do a post - its annoying when you type something out, try and send it, get the dreaded 'page cannot be displayed' screen, and then go back to what you typed and find it gone and you have to start again!

Whose router are you using.  Anything from BT is a waste of time.  Had the same problems till I invested in quality equipment.  Now not had one drop out in over 12 months.

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Arrrgh! What annoyed me today (and a few times over the past month) was to visit this site, click on the link that says "Show unread posts since your last visit"; read the first page of posts then click on the second (3rd, 4th, whichever) page and end up with a blank page. It's depressing to know there are pages and pages of posts since my last visit with no real easy way to access them... :'(

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Aarrgh... buying a new mobile phone and letting the salesman talk me into a nice bluetooth hands-free jobby... and guess what ???..... Betty doesn't have a cigarette lighter (she's a Ford after all ::)) >:(

Will have to nip out tomorrow morning and buy an ordinary one until I can get Betty upgraded :D

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The take the tractor and drill 40km away do 1 padock and come home, good in theroy, get the drill on the way, easy, have the harrows fall of on a bump  ::),  get to the run off, load  up with the seed, get to the padock, have to set the drill up again >:(  Got 3 runs in to the padock, and noticed there was no chain on the seed box, it was on the ground, the drill wheel ( turns the cog to feed the seed) had gone flat, In turn the sand was been picked up of the wheel and jamming up the cog causing the chain to splay the joining link and chuckin the chain of, Had to drive 30 km again to get the trye pumped up ::), got back to the padock then had a beering colapese on me for the seed gearing, 5 hrs wasted nicely  ::) ::)

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The fact that despite wearing LYNX day and night for over a month I'm still waiting for some tidy bird to come up and say "Boom chicka wow-wow" ....... I think I've been conned.  :( :( :(

you and me both :D :D :D :D :D::)

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Sliding tray in top drawer of kitchen unit stuck. Annoia has been at it (Goddess of things jamming in kitchen drawers according to T. Pratchett)  Finally found a fork sideways over the top, at the back.  Emptied the entire lower section of the drawer so now have to put it all back!

Plus side - it is now all washed and clean.

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Riding my bike through the trees with the kids yesterday pm... turned back to look what was happening behind me... turned back to look forward again and copped a low branch right smack bang on the eyeball - it's killing me now  :'(

Can one of the mods move this into the what made you laugh today post  :D :D :D
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