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how much RAM do you have in your Vista PC, if its around 512 i'd suggest to get it doubled!!!

wifes new PC has Vista but only 512 RAM and it takes a while to load, recommended really is 1024ish ;)....upgrade to come! >:(

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how much RAM do you have in your Vista PC, if its around 512 i'd suggest to get it doubled!!!

wifes new PC has Vista but only 512 RAM and it takes a while to load, recommended really is 1024ish ;)....upgrade to come! >:(

I've got 2gb of RAM on my Lappy... and it's still REALLY REALLY slow compared to XP... my advice... go back to XP - they have just released SP3 I believe....

I'm having a new PC built for the kids at home... and it's getting XP on it  ;)

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I don't get you guys... not being funny, but don't you try these things out in the shop before you buy them :-\

(or is that not a 'man' thing :-*:-*)

yeah, but the machine she wanted came with that as standard, they put the price up quite alot to get one with more memory when you can get it for under ?40 anyway >:(!!!....its there way of making money! >:( >:(>:(

My other PC, is on XP and runs smoothly, like a massey  ;D ;D ;D

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I don't get you guys... not being funny, but don't you try these things out in the shop before you buy them :-\

(or is that not a 'man' thing :-*:-*)

I don't think it is a "man" thing it is just that Vista is now THE operating system and few suppliers are offering anything else.  I had no choice but to get Vista because we have customers buying them and our programs must work on it. I am the program breaker (tester) and therefore needed Vista to be able to do my job.  

It is extremely slow in booting as everything is loaded into RAM to start with and I have 2GB of RAM on mine.  I can switch on my Vista machine, put the kettle on, switch on my XP laptop, and the XP is loaded but Vista is still loading while I make my coffee.

The Techie advice is do not buy a Vista machine until Service pack 2 is available.  My machine is updating its operating system every couple of days.  In all honesty I have only found one useful function in Vista but have found several "broken" functions that I love on XP.

Good news is that the program fall overs are reducing but I hate being a MSoft guinea pig!

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just took 2 hrs to get back 2 miles to the yard this eve after they shut the tamar bridge for a suspect package >:( >:(>:( >:( prob was they didnt warn anyone on the new fancy signs they put up last year to stop problems like the big jam thats ensued so we both merrily sailed right into a huge jam and couldnt get back out, if the signs worked we would have detoured via a different route and missed it

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just took 2 hrs to get back 2 miles to the yard this eve after they shut the tamar bridge for a suspect package >:( >:(>:( >:( prob was they didnt warn anyone on the new fancy signs they put up last year to stop problems like the big jam thats ensued so we both merrily sailed right into a huge jam and couldnt get back out, if the signs worked we would have detoured via a different route and missed it

Poor you... I had wondered where I'd left my shopping as well ;D

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they recon it was a bag that had been left on someones roof, and finally fell of there??? either way it wasnt nice, hence i am so late tonight, only just got home to pick  my old dear up from her hospital vist to,

how the hell can you leave a large bag on a car roof and not notice it moving round on the roof or falling of??

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they recon it was a bag that had been left on someones roof, and finally fell of there??? either way it wasnt nice, hence i am so late tonight, only just got home to pick  my old dear up from her hospital vist to,

how the hell can you leave a large bag on a car roof and not notice it moving round on the roof or falling of??

Actually, when I used to work as a holiday photographer in Newquay (in my mispent youth) I did leave a camera on the roof and drove all the way around the one-way system - remarkably it was still there when I got back to the office :-[

I guess gravity works in mysterious ways ::)

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Actually, when I used to work as a holiday photographer in Newquay (in my mispent youth) I did leave a camera on the roof and drove all the way around the one-way system - remarkably it was still there when I got back to the office :-[

I guess gravity works in mysterious ways ::)

When I was working for a newspaper in London in the early 70's Isaw something fly out of a car.  Being curious I went down, collected the item (dodging cars) and discovered it was a wallett, with ?20.0, petrol receipts totalling ?30 and a driving licence complete with name and address.  Sent the whole thing to the owner in Ramsgate and by return post got a letter and a finders fee.  He had been into the garage, put the wallet on the roof of the car and drove off....  He was a salesman and needed those receipts to get his money back

The finders fee paid for the registered postage and bought 4 of us a slap up lunch.

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I don't get you guys... not being funny, but don't you try these things out in the shop before you buy them :-\

(or is that not a 'man' thing :-*:-*)

Yep... it's a man thing allright... I work on the basis.... if it's the latest... it SHOULD be the best... no need for testing...

Now.. LESSON TWO in "man things" - Never admit your are in the wrong.. because.... clearly... you never are...

So... I'm not wrong... my new laptop is the best... just....well.... slower, less compatible and a tad more cr@ppy than my old one  :-[

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Yep... it's a man thing allright... I work on the basis.... if it's the latest... it SHOULD be the best... no need for testing...

Now.. LESSON TWO in "man things" - Never admit your are in the wrong.. because.... clearly... you never are...

So... I'm not wrong... my new laptop is the best... just....well.... slower, less compatible and a tad more cr@ppy than my old one  :-[

i always try before i buy, its part of the fun aint it, if it breaks there ya dont touch it and try something elses

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Yep... it's a man thing allright... I work on the basis.... if it's the latest... it SHOULD be the best... no need for testing...

Now.. LESSON TWO in "man things" - Never admit your are in the wrong.. because.... clearly... you never are...

So... I'm not wrong... my new laptop is the best... just....well.... slower, less compatible and a tad more cr@ppy than my old one  :-[

But hopefully will improve as the bugs are ironed out.  At least mine now only sends an error report once a fortnight  instead of several times a day! 

I have even had REPLIES from M'Soft.  Now that is something!

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being the only one out of our two teams to turn up to football training  >:(

sure it wasnt yesterday or tomorrow ;)??....know the feeling though, i went to a survey last week only to find out it was cancelled after 3.5 hrs in the car >:( >:(>:(

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Had a paypal dispute for something won on the 15th - this after I recently amended my 'stock' listing as follows:

Postage will be ?3.50 in the UK, and I am happy to post overseas at cost.  I accept cheque, postal order, and paypal.  Please note though, as increasingly more and more people are using paypal it is becoming necessary to have to withdraw money from there to pay for items postage, so there could be a delay in sending your item because of this.  

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email them.  Good luck, thanks for looking and happy bidding.

Do you think it needed to be clearer? >:( >:(>:(

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Had a paypal dispute for something won on the 15th - this after I recently amended my 'stock' listing as follows:

Postage will be ?3.50 in the UK, and I am happy to post overseas at cost.  I accept cheque, postal order, and paypal.  Please note though, as increasingly more and more people are using paypal it is becoming necessary to have to withdraw money from there to pay for items postage, so there could be a delay in sending your item because of this.  

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email them.  Good luck, thanks for looking and happy bidding.

Do you think it needed to be clearer? >:( >:(>:(

Seems a bit of a poor excuse that Joe, although it does take three days for your money to make it to your bank account when you withdraw it from the paypal account. I would guess it is designed to discourage people from paying with paypal, even if it does take longer by cheque!

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