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very very sorry to hear about all three deaths, cant believe it! it was my cousin's grandfather that died last year but it was the 23rd of december, and the funeral was the day after boxing day. noel i am realy sorry to hear that, no joke it was earlier this morning i was just thinking about your father, thinking if he was alright. so sorry about the bad news, God bless all of you, and try to feel Gods presents in your families at this time

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I'm that peed of as I'm always the last to know and as for my otherhalf not even sorry to hear that or a hug she just went to bed >:( >:(>:(

sorry to hear that, sometimes its difficult and she may genuinely not have known what to say or do?????/ lame I know but ........anyway , my condolences

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Sorry to add more bad news,

My dad suffered another stroke a few days ago, and has passed away this morning (59 today)

at least he held out to his birthday which is something good.

I guess the man above had better plans for him.

Thanks for all your support, its been a great comfort!


Noel I`m sorry to hear that too, especially hard at this time of year, my grampa dies here 15 dec 1982  xmas was funny for a year or two.........take care

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Noel.... I don't know what to say to you buddy... other than offer you and your family my sincerest condolences mate - There is never a good time I know... but you can't pick a worse time than this I guess  :-\

The man upstiars moves in mysterious ways at times... but as you say.. he must have "better plans" for him  :'( - all the very best to you... it's all been said above me in this topic... but you are amoungst friends on here.. and please try to keep your chin up, if indeed that's at all possible  :-\

Same to you Mark... deeply sorry to hear of your sad loss as well mate  :-\

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Sorry to hear that Noel, as Marky said its never a good time >:( >:( :'(

Sorry to hear about your loss to Mark, its seems a crap year for most of us >:( >:( :'( :'(

we are all here if you need to chat etc., just post up or PM ;) ;), we are your extended family ;) ;)

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thanks SO MUCH EVERYONE for your kind words!!!

It hasn't been easy, but i will get there!

Never though id have to make funeral arangements and choose a coffin!!!

Dad going to chapel tonight for a few prayer and funeral tomorrow, if i get tomorrow over it will be a relief!

then get rid of the sheep, don't think i could stomach them! will keep his Highland girls though.

many thanks


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Bitter word of late, I started this Topic and with all the whinging we put in over the time what with bad driving, bad service, poor mobile coverage the last couple of pages really put things into context.

Mark, Noel. I shan't preach anything you have not already heard from those closest to you but merely say; Laugh.

Find the best things in your memories that made you smile and they will make you smile again. If you laughed at it once, you'll laugh at it again. Those times are the important times, all else can fall into cloud for the fog that soaks them up will soak you up if you cannot smile.

Kind wishes to you both and your extended families over the near future.

All the best,


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