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What really annoyed you today

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now the hoover is bust, with that and a new car for the better half. plus my car getting messed up. >:( >:(>:(

You're not having a lot of luck with cars lately by the sound of it Mark.

That reminds me, i thought our hoover had given up the other day, turned out it was just a blockage in the suction tube.

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Glad we aren't the only ones battling against the weather, looks like we've had about an inch here in the last 12 hours, certainly not going outside for a closer look in the guage at the minute ::):D :D

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Glad we aren't the only ones battling against the weather, looks like we've had about an inch here in the last 12 hours, certainly not going outside for a closer look in the guage at the minute ::):D :D

I took the ute to shift my cows and check  the rain gauge :D

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Marky not getting me lunch but eating half of the spalding cafe out of food >:( >:(>:(................................................. :D :D :D::)

;D - I bought you a can of coke...

Oh... and drove you there... FREE of any charge... I thought you were on a diet... after you consumed all Andy's cakes  :P

Oh... and a coffee and a sausage roll yesterday of course  ::);D:-*

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