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What really annoyed you today

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my PE teacher what a pr**k like shouting at me becasue i didn't have the right shoes on  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

then my maths teacher he ripped a bit off my sheet, and i was a tiny bit close from smacking him but i didn't i just smacked the teacher

my mum says i need to see a doctor about my angry or something

i think you need to work something out, take alot for me to get worked up as i am that layed back not worried about thing  :-\ :D :D ;)

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Good lad, you don't want to be the new kid who got expelled from their last school, you get tarred with a certain brush and it's very difficult for anyone to ever look past that while you're at school.

Better to be the kid who got onto his last warning and then turned over a new leaf and became - while perhaps not a model student, that's a pretty dull way to live - a much improved individual who tried his best at everything he did.

You've just got to keep reminding yourself and eventually it will become second nature and you'll be able to keep your emotions and temper under control... and that, believe me, is an ESSENTIAL skill when you finally settle down with a woman... ;):D

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A nice speech Simon.. and some sound advice as well.. I am flattered to get a mention at the end of it as well... If I wasn't sat here on my pile cushion awaiting the district nurse to come around and give me a blanket bath I give you a standing ovation  ;D:-[

Now... anyone fancy a nice game of cribbage ???

No... well shut up then all of you or I'll smash your bloody faces in  >:(

Oops... sorry... lost it there for a minute...

DOH... no I feel guilty for being silly about Simons highly worthwhile advice :-[ ... seriously... I couldn't agree more with Simons observations - especially the 'look at your shoes and simply apologise' comment... bang on.. it 'closes' any confrontation instantly  ;)

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You listen to Hamster Simon , Marc some good advice there from the wise old Owl  ;)   such a old head on young shoulders  :o :o kinda reminds me of me  :D :D :D

Yours is only wizened through excessive alcohol consumption..... ;):D :D

It's amazing how philosophical you get when you have kids, particularly when they behave as badly as mine do - those at TT will have seen... and George is the well behaved one!  :D

And thank you Mark.... now, let me give you some advice on dealing with this Massey problem you have......  ;):D :D

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To be fair... his face looks well 'lived in' though Si  :-\ ;D

I know what your saying Marky  :D :D :D

Yours is only wizened through excessive alcohol consumption.....

And as for you Hamster its a medical condition and I'll thank you not to poke fun at it  >:( >:(:D :D :D

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I know what your saying Marky  :D :D :D

Yours is only wizened through excessive alcohol consumption.....

And as for you Hamster its a medical condition and I'll thank you not to poke fun at it  >:( >:(:D :D :D

What.... you landed on it when you fell off the wagon... ???:D :D :D :D

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nicked his loader hmmm i hate them beggers we had one that nicked gates for making pens for lambs later to find out he came down the road saying his van has went of the road can you tow me out why would you come back to the farm you have just nicked the gates from for help  :D :D we got them back though  :D :D

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Seeing the weather over the past week and fearing the local ploughing match at Peterculter tomorrow will be cancelled. Not that Iwas going to be participating but I wanted to go along and see if I could pick up a few tips from the trailing plough boys  ;) ;)

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