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What really annoyed you today

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didnt get in till 6 this morning, all finished by 4, but my stupid young lad working with us (finished his apprentiship last year, left my radio on in the back of the van, drained the battery so much i couldn't even bump start the thing, had to wait for the aa, luckly in trying to bump start it i had rolled down into a layby, otherwise we would have had to have the lane closure past 6, which would incured a hefty fine from the highways agency,best bit, he drove off in his van at 4.15, didnt want to wait ,so had to sit by myself, to say i aint happy, when i warned him to use the portable radio is an understatment ,words will be exchanged tommorrow

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didnt get in till 6 this morning, all finished by 4, but my stupid young lad working with us (finished his apprentiship last year, left my radio on in the back of the van, drained the battery so much i couldn't even bump start the thing, had to wait for the aa, luckly in trying to bump start it i had rolled down into a layby, otherwise we would have had to have the lane closure past 6, which would incured a hefty fine from the highways agency,best bit, he drove off in his van at 4.15, didnt want to wait ,so had to sit by myself, to say i aint happy, when i warned him to use the portable radio is an understatment ,words will be exchanged tommorrow

Just have to make sure you do the same to him next time you're out Seany ;):D

I just spilled a whole cup of coffee over my desk.... bloody mouse stopped working.... however, being the ingenious operator I am I stripped 'er down and she's good to go now.... ;);D Thank flip :-[:D

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i will have my revenge simon dont you worry, ment to say got woken up at 9 this morn, when in need of a sleep, by the postie knocking on the door asking if i would take next doors parcel in, never take mine so told him to wander off  :D :D :D :D

3 hrs sleep aint really enough

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Just been to get a tooth filled, ended up having it taken out, going to start hurting soon  :'(

You big softie ::):D :D Mind you, I went to have a tooth looked at not long ago, a piece had broken off and wedged itself in between 2 teeth and down into the gum, it was bloody agony.... my big problem is the needle... I always have to have the bubble gum flavoured kiddies surface anaesthetic before I'll let him inject me :-[::):D :D

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    Re: What really annoyed you today???

« Reply #10021 on: March 23, 2009, 10:47:06 AM » Quote 


The amount of tax out of my bonus 

You mean to say you got a  bonus this year???

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     Re: What really annoyed you today???

« Reply #10021 on: March 23, 2009, 10:47:06 AM » Quote 


The amount of tax out of my bonus 

You mean to say you got a  bonus this year???

Yes but only because our particular division had its best year in 12 years thanks to some astute underwriting and some innovation on our parts and also lucky with the path chosen by some hurricanes ;) Has to be done to keep staff morale really

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count yourself lucky colm, my stepdaughters divison did the best they have done in years this year, for the co-op, guess what, they all got made redundant last week,very very good package i must say, but not what they expected at all after those results

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count yourself lucky colm, my stepdaughters division did the best they have done in years this year, for the co-op, guess what, they all got made redundant last week,very very good package i must say, but not what they expected at all after those results

I know what exactly what you mean Sean - rumblings going on here still following yesterday's news :(

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cant belive hers, jobs safe till sept this year, then shes getting paid for 1 more year  to be on standby for the new office up north, if she completes that, she gets 21 k first payment for redundancy, and for staying the full year for them another 5 k ontop of that,so 26k and 18 months pay, for 6 months full work, and 1 year gardening leave so to speak

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I know what exactly what you mean Sean - rumblings going on here still following yesterday's news :(

what was it you did again Colm, you can PM me if you want?

should get part 2 of my bonus next month, not that its great overall, will go in Harrys account i think :-\

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what was it you did again Colm, you can PM me if you want?

should get part 2 of my bonus next month, not that its great overall, will go in Harrys account i think :-\

I'm an actuarial trainee Ben - basically I'm one of the buggers you can blame for high premiums :D :D

I work in a reinsurance company - basically insuring the insurance companies and within that we operate at quite a high level so only a few losses each year for example World Trade Centre, Hurricane Katrina hit us but the likes of the storms a few months ago wouldn't ;)

Also do some work on the reinsurance of our life business - simple annuities, pensions, term assurances etc ;)

Hope I have put that fairly simple :D :D

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This ruddy collage assignment  >:( >:(>:(

Not that its hard its just the amount of work involed  :-\ :-\ :-\  Already 1 inch thick of paper  :-\ :-\

Dont these people know i've a model show coming up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  >:( >:(>:( >:(

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Taking the Merlo up the dual carriageway today, had the van behind me with the hazard lights on since the Merlo is pretty slow, was sitting in the central reservation waiting to cross, looked across my shoulder and here's a woman in a Merc passed the van on its left hand side and then crossed the road in front of me - some people have no patience........ >:( >:(

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