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What really annoyed you today

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Taking the mudguard off of a 390, 10mm bolt, had to ratchets on her (1 on each side) and she sheered in half, punched the cab.. skinned my knuckels and the mudgard fell on my shoulder  >:(

Im sorry but i just had to laugh at that. Its a classic :D :D. Hope your okay mate could have been nasty if the mudgard fell on your head :o

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Im sorry but i just had to laugh at that. Its a classic :D :D. Hope your okay mate could have been nasty if the mudgard fell on your head :o

Nah im laughing now  :D, had a worse one today.. got up from under a TS100 and headbutted the door.. nearly got knocked out cold  :-:D

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yeeooooooo :D :D :D pick a good team and you wont be so easily dissapointed ::) ::)

you pick a good team lad how many times did we beat you in the one week and then knew we had the leauge won so were gentlemen and let you draw with us to save any further embaresment,
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Just got told off bye a police officer for taking photos of a car crash no one hurt or nothing Robbo is this right that your not allowed too?

There is no law against it that I am aware of, he may just be being over sensitive, I quite often take pictures of the accidents I go to just for my own morbid interest :-\ :-\ :-\

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Enviromental Agency made a farmer move 600acres of silage because of excessive efluent leaking in to a river, So i've been down there 2 days now with the Farmmaster 414s loading it in to trailers and carting it to another indoor pit, and it's doing my head in, whilst this is happening some goon I work with took my tractor out today, and brought it back with about 2" Of mud all over the floor, up the sides of the gear casing, all over the inside of the windows, AND he lost my front weight bar in a dirty water pit, then said it wasn't his problem and went home. So I rang up my boss and had a go at him, even though it wasnt his fault  :-\ just made me feel better and told him I want it clean before driving it tomorrow. BUTTT sounds like im driving the stupid loading shovel again tomorrow, whilst the environmental t*** watches over me with a clipboard, I also got in trouble for taking a top link off of the ONLY tractor in the yard because mine went missing, The tractor was attached to a mower, and the nob that got in to un-hitch the mower later on in the day didnt look behind him when he drove off, just lifted the linkage up and drove off, dragging the mower about 10ft, and apparently that was my fault  >:(

Also I have a Huuuuge headache, probably due to how stressed out I am...Oh and one more whilst i'm on a roll. No-ones helping me with my wrap carrier, and by the time someone gets round to it it will be too late and i'll be flat out wrapping.


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Well at least you know now, Rhys . . . They don't call it 'cherry' for the taste :D;D

You won't sleep tonight, you'll still be ticking over it!! Waaaahahahaaa!! :D :D :D

Thats nearly as bad as the one about the man addicted to drinking brake fluid.

His friend told him it was bad for him and he replied.........Yes, I know it is.....but I can stop any time I like. ;):D Har har har.............snort...........oh gawd........sme posh larf again.  :D

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It's time for Marky and Sean to shuddup......Every day we here Marky moaning and groaning about being skint and someone offers to sell him MF gumdrops out comes the dosh in a blink of an eye............Sean aint much better just his devon cracker whine is a bit thicker...........marky even had me crying one day......poor lad almost sent him some coins for sandwhich at lunch......Mr. and MS. deep pockets are driving me nuts... :'( :'( :'( :D :D

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How very dare you... I am sitting here... in my underpants... that I bought from Woolies sale in 1976.. (I can't afford clothes in these tough times)... my fingerless gloves all ripped and torn and badly in need of replacement... as I type Mrs F is outside looking through the bins to see if anyone has left anything worth having for my tea.. and YOU have the bare faced cheek (oops... slipped out of my pants then sorry  :-[ )... to make a comment like that...

Well I can't say I'm not hurt... that's cut me deep roboplops... you just wait until Aunty Jo reads this most recent ATTACK (yes.. that's all it can be called quitye frankly) on poor, sweet, innocent Marky and Sean

Roboplops... PAH.. you are nothing but the FTF bully boy  :'( >:(

Dearest Aunty Jo.. can you please 'open up a can' on him (as our American Cousins would say)  ;D:-*

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

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