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What really annoyed you today

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poor sues been in the hospital most of the afternoon, ment to have an appointment at 3 for her finger, got in at 3.20 so not to bad, cast was cut off and she got sent to x ray to check, back to the area after that to see the consultant, at 4 he decides that she needs a thrermal cast for the finger, ,off she toddles only to find the department has shut??? back to consultant who sends her to the fracture clinic to put a tempory full cast back on, they are to busy to do it, back to the consultant, who dumps her in A&E again this is now 16.45. 1 hr later shes through triage, i have got there then, shes in tears at the treatment, only to be told the A&E cant do a thermal one?? why would you they just want it temp cast, "oh we cant do that you need to go to the platsic consultant for that" exactly where she started.

basicly she lost it, 25 mins later the doc from the first department is there reading the riot act, and does the cast her self, to say shes anoyed is an understatment, sue very rarely looses her temper but when she does its volcanic to say the least, and the poor guy dealing with her got the full brunt of it.

now in a cast 3 times the size of the first one which is hopefully for one night, and all being well shes back in tommorrow now to have the thing done that should have been done today, although it may be next thursday as they cant jump queues? apparently, even if they ****ed up >:( >:( 

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yesterday two white van drivers with no thought for other drivers when sitting in the middle of a dual carriage section trying to turn right. What do they do come over and block my view and I was first on the section. Professional drivers...I don't think so >:(

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Had to get some old people meds to help pass water...couldnt do it regular like.....so got the meds and what happens??side effects a runny nose >:( >:( oh great now Im weeeeing out of my nose all the time.... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(  pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwttttttttttttttttt Doctors.....

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...?side effects a runny nose >:( >:( oh great now Im weeeeing out of my nose all the time.... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(  pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwttttttttttttttttt Doctors.....

Oh Rick, I can just picture it.

My cousin has a saying "my nose is running and my feet smell... 

...I am built upsidedown!!!!"

What annoyed me today was that I thought I had a hair on my specs but while trying to remove it I find it is a scratch - on the INSIDE of the lens and right in my prime viewing spot. 

I shall have to have a new lens! (new specs probably)  >:( >:(>:( >:(

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Oh Rick, I can just picture it.

My cousin has a saying "my nose is running and my feet smell... 

...I am built upsidedown!!!!"

What annoyed me today was that I thought I had a hair on my specs but while trying to remove it I find it is a scratch - on the INSIDE of the lens and right in my prime viewing spot. 

I shall have to have a new lens! (new specs probably)  >:( >:(>:( >:(

Don't forget your house insurance may cover it Aunty Sue?

Ooops just read Seans post - I am just making sure ...

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calving a cow last night at 2:30 boss was away at a wedding dance so i was on duty, cow had twins, first one came out ok, second one was a struggle was pulling on him, stretched the muscle on his leg a bit, seen it alot worse before so hopfully he'll come on fine  :-\

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Being stiched up by our back to backs over the christmas flying rota. One man had the rota changed so that his crew did not have to travel on boxing day so instead of getting home at lunch time on the 28th our flight has been moved to 3:30pm on the 29th will be lucky if it even turns up and the weather is always great at that time of year so may even be new year offshore as well as christmas. Best I can hope for is 8pm on the 29th oh and because I will be on nights will not paid for that day >:( >:(>:( >:(

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