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Those exams are not easy word over here is the spelling board has finally decided to throw Seans exam in the rubbish bin and pretend he can spell........poor sods......good luck u young lads.......would not suggest you go to uncle sean for advice.... :laugh: :laugh:

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Still can't get rid of this bloomin' cough and cold - off to the docs later >:(

And stuff I posted through December and early January still not arriving with my overseas customers (and yet items sent recently are fine) what has happened to the Royal Mail? It's costing me a fortune and the Post Office has still run out of claim forms >:(

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That's odd about the parcels still not getting there, mind you my other half never got a parcel she ordered before christmas and that's only coming from 15 miles down the road from here ::)  yet I ordered some bits from France at the end of December and they was delivered within 48 hours of them being posted, also I got an email from Germany yesturday saying more bits I ordered had been posted and they are how on a van today on route for delivery in this country according to the tracking number ???

I thought it was odd too, but just about every day this week I've had an 'item not received' message on eBay (various countries, but particularly the US). I've just spoken to the Royal Mail and they still have a backlog. I suppose what you receive and how long it takes depends on how behind each individual sorting office is :-\

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bloody "home delivery" parcel  company, they tried to deliver today, neither of us were in and they required a signature, so the driver put "back" on the card and threw it over the fence into the back garden,and he must have thrown as it was in the middle of the garden to, 4m from the fence ,we came home and found the card, looked in the garden and found one parcel , we are expecting 3 item from a seller so checked on the website tracker and they dispatched 2 out of the 3, so rang the courier, they recon the guy left 2 parcel? ??? ?? but shouldn't have done what he did, the back garden has a footpath along side it, which is very busy, so if someones seen him lob them over the wall, then anyone could have had them, we have no idea what ones missing, as its just 3 numbers for each item, sellers trying to track it down, and the courier is very very well aware that we ain't happy, well i think the expletives that escaped my mouth after he accused me of lying about there only being one parcel gave him that view very quickly as i was passed onto the senior depot manager within 1 min of that outburst

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that's pretty irresponsible Sean, but imagine my mothers face when a "delivery" driver used his 7.5t curtainsider to push a pallet with contents worth a little under £10k up our drive yesterday. little do the stupid children-born-out-of-wedlock's know that mum took photos of the entire thing. dad's planning on seeing them in court... ::)

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more the week than the day.....and more of the same next week!! >:( :'( , haven't seen Harry since Monday night when i put him to bed, only when i get home, he's asleep......15hr days!!.....all money though :( :( :( :( :(

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Being told by a Costco concierge representative a new mother board for my Toshiba notepad would cost £ 192 and the total cost of board including fitting would be £ 302. They are waiting for Costco corporate to approve or reject and this can take up to 48 hours I was told. Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out what they will eventually say given the machine cost less than that new. Anyway the representative saw no sense of urgency in chasing Corporate because they were his bosses and it was not policy to hassle Corporate. That even annoyed me more and he eventually said he would send a follow up email due to all of the delays in this case. I can see the notebook being returned to me then having to go back to the warehouse and get a refund. I am not at all impressed by this so called 2 year parts and labour warranty.

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Costco concierge representative    :of :of :of :of :of

is that a very posh way of saying "customer care department " like us normal muggle people have to use then bill? ??? ? for a cheapo scottish pound shop chain it seem to have very grand opinion of its self ;);D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Me posh..."get a grip"...WUSISWG....what you see is what you get...Sean..but watch this space :D

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or 'customer... don't really care.. department' in this case  :D :D :D

Oh they have at last got the message Mark....it is a write off and will we returned to me to return to my local Costco store to get a refund

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Bill I have always bought my laptops straight from the company that makes them........mostly because the local outlets will have to pass the problem on anyway......plus is I was short of cash I could get a six month same as cash deal.........I have a Nephew who is a top Micro-soft manager and he says tosh is the top machine on the market...........

ah forgot to mention I am struggling with pneumonia now.....grrrrrrr.

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Not so good on the illness Pops and I wish you a speedy recovery.....as for Toshiba's my one was a five of clock Friday output......now switched to SONY with another 2 year warranty

Is that a Brit slang sorry this poor yank does not know what it means....Sony guess they do ok....sometimes I think it is just pure luck with computers.......Alex likes his Dell, I don't like mine at all but I think it has a lot to do with vista I need a new windows 7 system...normally I wait until they iron out the bugs......a lap top over here sells for about 300 pounds......

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Is that a Brit slang sorry this poor yank does not know what it means....Sony guess they do ok....sometimes I think it is just pure luck with computers.......Alex likes his Dell, I don't like mine at all but I think it has a lot to do with vista I need a new windows 7 system...normally I wait until they iron out the bugs......a lap top over here sells for about 300 pounds......

my dell came with vista home premium, and a free upgrade to windows 7 home premium when it came out, which saved me some money!

vista was crap, but 7 is miiiiiiles better!

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Well I have a samsung running windows vista, worked great until tonight 20 mins before I was going out then decided to delete messanger becuse it was "outdated" now I have tried installing the new version and it wont let me >:( >:(>:( >:(  god I hate computers

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