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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy birthday "39 Steps" Brian ( brianih634). Hope you have a good one. We are having a birthday celebration today too so if you are in the Dyce area you are welcome to swing by Halliburton House for a piece ;) ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Today is a special day for me...My mother is 98 years old and sharp as a tack.  We talk often using a speaker phone and maddy signing for me to understand.  We like to talk about farm cooking and gardening.....I asked her what  is the best thing about being 98 and she said "No peer pressure".... :laugh: :laugh: guess that is true....

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is that old age in the genes, Rick? so we'll be dealing with you for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggg time  ;) . Congrats with your mom.

Now wil you know your tickled to death to read my threads...I do tend to go too deep and too technical at times, but I am trying not to sound too "suffocated" for this lot and modesty has always been part of my personality...

And for the rest of this bunch of knuckleheads:  Andy loves numbers and he's a smart guy so he likes big numbers....So the 64 is just something Andy put there...it has nothing to do with me...it's a Uni thing......but I must learn to accept these things I cant control....Andy's the boss you know.....I always try to be a good role model for the lot that does not know the diff between a chicken bum hole and a knothole in the fence....it is difficult considering my superior experience on the farm.....why just yesterday I went out and wee'd on a fence post just for memory sake ???  Trying to wee through a knot hole at my age is a bit diff...especially since I went to bifocals... :-\

Now I am a bit tired my wife ask me if I wanted a little cuddle this morning and asked "do you want me to tie you up"...she did, then went and played tennis with her friends >:(  Im not pleased....my pressie was a new organic box of Bran flakes >:( >:(

I do not need to hear anything from this group of chumps...ppphhhwwwwtttt :P

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32 Buckle my shoe.... happy belated birthday wishes for yesterday James T.....may see you next Saturday if you are going along to the Isle of Skye G&M event. I will be there all day Saturday and maybe even stop in by on the way back up from Edinburgh on the Sunday if I have any pennies left after Ikea ;) ;)

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32 Buckle my shoe.... happy belated birthday wishes for yesterday James T.....may see you next Saturday if you are going along to the Isle of Skye G&M event. I will be there all day Saturday and maybe even stop in by on the way back up from Edinburgh on the Sunday if I have any pennies left after Ikea ;) ;)

Cheers Bill.  It's looking a bit ify for next weekend now, I'll see how things go this week.

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