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well done mandy... can we have a taster please  :P

Certainly Marky... apologies for the delay... there are so many models that I was difficult which ones to use:

But here we have the very first model Land Rover. A Series I, made by Dinky, released in 1950, and sold in a trade box of four (with thanks to Willem aka Nina8495 from the Netherlands, who is Leader of the eBay Collectors Group.


And here is another early Series I, this time manufactured by Dublo Dinky in 00 Scale for Hornby in the late 1950s (this photograph was taken on Tuesday evening and was part of the incredible 350-vehicle collection owned by Ralph Dadge that I had the privilege to view).


The finished article for Model Farmer will feature comparisons between some of the most collectable models (including some rare hand-made models and conversions) and their real-life counterparts.

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looking through eBay so deerepower cant get any other good buy it now items :D :D :D

Oh deere.... I think we will have to call you poshwad instead of tightwad from now on!!  ::):D :D

Today...lots of watering and weeding at work, couldn't get any more fun  ::)

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Been on the phone to Graham for a bit to arrange a go on some John Deeres, what a lovely chap he is  ;) Then i broke the garage door somehow, it's completely off it's rollers then laughed at my Dad as he has amazingly managed to break the hedgecutter, the lawnmower and his saw by chopping the wires by mistake ...  :-\

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Started at 8am drove 35 miles to round wrap 51 bails  :o Back to the yard by 12.15 then 5 miles to rewrap (they were spiked out of a stream/river) 31 bails that had floated into witney last week back to the yard to pick up the square wrapper 15 miles later 128 class 21 bails back in the yard by 8.15 pm So after 110 miles 210 bails i am now having a nice cold can of beer  ::)

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We went to collect a david brown 1412 with our leyland road runner and on the way back a woman crashed into the side of our truck :o the car was a rite off the truck was ok only the fuel tank got bent up and the front axle pushed back but we fixed it there so all was fine she wasent injured neither were we so the gards came we

shorted it all out and then went home.

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I've been working on my 6600 conversion, spraying it ready to assemble.

    It's one of the old brown 6600's which is being converted to four wheel drive, courtesy of an old 5610, I've drilled the casting for an exhaust and a raised air cleaner,,, changed the lift links for blue ones, sprayed the wings proper Ford White, fitted grey wheels, a new grille and decal,  done away with the old solid steering wheel and fitted the open type. I have all new decals and a cab for it and I've changed the seat for a blue one which has had only the back part sprayed as the cushion was always lighter in colour on the real tractor.

    I found this tractor dumped at a boot sale, so all it's cost me is the 5610 that I bought from E Bay plus the parts I bought from Farmmodels. I was a bit peed off on Saturday as I missed another brown 66 which had no bidders and was 2.99 + 3.99 postage. A while ago, brown 6600's were selling for about a tenner and were often up for grabs. There seem to be less of them for sale at the moment so maybe there aren't many original ones left; or converters are using the new ones now.

    I would like to do another with a Duncan cab conversion. Not sure whether to do it with round wings and badge it as a 5000. (With the exhaust in the right place of course) I'd also like to do a 7000 later on, and have a go at building a deluxe cab version on bigger wheels.. ;):)

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Took a trip up to my relatives farm to help out for the day...helped harvest several garlic beds, weeded some potato beds, and talked to my uncle for a while on truck recommendations.  :)

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Sent home early today as a pipe burst in the air con unit over our coms room where all the servers backup phone connections everything is located - luckily it was coped in time and we had to move everything out by just pulling on every cable there. Looks like tomorrow could be a boring day but we finish at 3 I was told and see about the rest of the week after that :). Worse thing is I had done loads this morning before it happened so guess it will all have to be done again >:( :'(

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Finalley got to spray off the set asside pluss gave a field of wheet a dose of roundup to get rid of the squich which has had a field day with all of the rain

Mowed first lot of grass for hay, not too good as their is a lot of rotting stuff in the bottom

And moved the combine to the other farm so as to be able to make a start on the barley in a couple of days when the field will be able to carry the tractors and combine (still very wet at the mo)

So quite an eventfull day for a change ;D

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