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Went to a farm sale this morning. Known the farmers for several years and they have just retired and sold the farm. All their kit was in very good nick having been housed all its life. Have not got the whole list of what the tractors and machinery made as yet as I could not stay to the end but a freind was going to make a note of it all, the principal stuff that is, and ring me tonight. Have taken quite a few pics of the machinery and all the tractors and will probably do a peice for one of the tractor mags, most likeley CT, have to speak to Rory on that one. Anyway, Cock-Pheasant hay turner made ?38, McConnell PA32 flail trimmer made ?1,650. McConnell ditcher with 3 buckets made ?90.  Will post up the rest when I know the prices.

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Went to Murco's fuel depot at Theale to pick up 18,500 litres of petrol and 20,500 litres of derv, only to be told on arrival that the fuel train hadn't arrived. It normally comes in at six am, but didn't arrive until 9.20. Gave me time to catch up on some sleep as I arrived at 6.15 after a two hour drive.

    I watched them bring the train in for unloading; something I'd never seen before. Great to watch and loved the sound of the big diesel loco pushing it.  :P:-*

SOME INTERESTING FIGURES, for train lovers and those of you that love big kit.

    The train had thirty tankers in tow, each one had a capacity of 101,000 litres. On the side it displayed a weight for each of 79 tonnes. The loco had a weight displayed of 130 tonnes.

    A quick bit of working out means that there was an all up weight of around 2,400 tonnes + the loco at 130 tonnes. In terms of fuel capacity; that equates to 3,000,000 litres of fuel (Roughly). That is their daily delivery, and we are talking about a small distribution depot with three loading bays. Most of the tankers are Murco's own and a very large number of Total tankers.

    Given that the average artic tanker holds about 40 to 42,000 litres, that equates to about 75 artic loads leaving the depot per day.  :-*:o :o

    Given that 75% of the fuel is tax (At least) and diesel sells at around a pound a litre; that means that Murco's  train load will raise 2.25 million pound for Greedy Grabber Gordon and the Labour Dictatorship.  :o :o No wonder they don't really want us to stop using our vehicles, knowing how much tax they are paying, and how much more  they can milk us for.  :o>:( >:(

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Went to Murco's fuel depot at Theale to pick up 18,500 litres of petrol and 20,500 litres of derv, only to be told on arrival that the fuel train hadn't arrived. It normally comes in at six am, but didn't arrive until 9.20. Gave me time to catch up on some sleep as I arrived at 6.15 after a two hour drive.

     I watched them bring the train in for unloading; something I'd never seen before. Great to watch and loved the sound of the big diesel loco pushing it.  :P:-*

SOME INTERESTING FIGURES, for train lovers and those of you that love big kit.

     The train had thirty tankers in tow, each one had a capacity of 101,000 litres. On the side it displayed a weight for each of 79 tonnes. The loco had a weight displayed of 130 tonnes.

    A quick bit of working out means that there was an all up weight of around 2,400 tonnes + the loco at 130 tonnes. In terms of fuel capacity; that equates to 3,000,000 litres of fuel (Roughly). That is their daily delivery, and we are talking about a small distribution depot with three loading bays. Most of the tankers are Murco's own and a very large number of Total tankers.

    Given that the average artic tanker holds about 40 to 42,000 litres, that equates to about 75 artic loads leaving the depot per day.  :-*:o :o

     Given that 75% of the fuel is tax (At least) and diesel sells at around a pound a litre; that means that Murco's  train load will raise 2.25 million pound for Greedy Grabber Gordon and the Labour Dictatorship.  :o :o No wonder they don't really want us to stop using our vehicles, knowing how much tax they are paying, and how much more  they can milk us for.  :o>:( >:(

This is the kind of thing I would do too!!  :)

I'm assuming the 79 tonnes is the gross weight for the wagons, so I guess they don't fill the tankers that carry the fuel as they would be over weight as 1,000 litres of diesel weighs between 820 and 950 KG depending on the grade apparently and 1,000 litres of petrol weighs approx 730kg.

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This is an engine identical to the one pulling the fuel train into Murco's :)

Sorry it's such a tiny picture, but you can always visit the website if you want to see it full size.  ;):)

Some information on the engine...........Its 147 litres in size, straight eight, turbo'd and intercooled, idles at 400 rpm and produces full power of 3100 HP at 1000 rpm.  :o :o :P :P :-*http://web.ukonline.co.uk/class60/technical/engine.html

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I just had to go pull a car out of the ditch up the road with the tractor, Nice brand new ford fiesta, realy well done i thourght, she was doing a u-turn on the wet grass and it just slid in the ditch, looked realy funny, Typical women drivers, there was a tarseal drive directly opposite her ::) ::)

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I just had to go pull a car out of the ditch up the road with the tractor, Nice brand new ford fiesta, realy well done i thourght, she was doing a u-turn on the wet grass and it just slid in the ditch, looked realy funny, Typical women drivers, there was a tBumal drive directly opposite her ::) ::)

Isn't pulling someone out a ditch illegal using a tractor now, because it's not an agricultural use. Therefor you should be on white diesel?

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