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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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had a good day at work, then get home and the missus says oh you have a dentist appointment in 1 hour (had a dodgy tooth for about 6 mnths but thats bar the point), so off i go to the dentist, dentist looks at it and says ahh its an impacted wisdom tooth, will need surgery. so half hour later im minus 1 wisdom tooth, have stitches in my gum, wallet is $275 aussie lighter, THEN she gives me a prescription for antibiotics and painkillers, another $42 at the chemist, then missus says pizza for tea, i think yes could do with pizza, get to the pizza shop and she says oh you wont be able to eat it, so her and the kids have pizza and i get yoghurt :(

so all up it was a good day till i got home ha ha!

other than that yeah it was good

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had a good day at work, then get home and the missus says oh you have a dentist appointment in 1 hour (had a dodgy tooth for about 6 mnths but thats bar the point), so off i go to the dentist, dentist looks at it and says ahh its an impacted wisdom tooth, will need surgery. so half hour later im minus 1 wisdom tooth, have stitches in my gum, wallet is $275 aussie lighter, THEN she gives me a prescription for antibiotics and painkillers, another $42 at the chemist, then missus says pizza for tea, i think yes could do with pizza, get to the pizza shop and she says oh you wont be able to eat it, so her and the kids have pizza and i get yoghurt :(

so all up it was a good day till i got home ha ha!

other than that yeah it was good

Have to say I think you got away lightly there, wisdom teeth are a serious business!! :o :o

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Meeting a client' s new accountant to get the last financial year sorted out and discovered a real foul up.  At least I found it before he did and then he asked me for the journal to correct it.  It is usually the other way round. 

Would rather have been at home playing with Leakey Vale. 

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keeping a low profile today, lower than a snake to be precise,due to some toerags in exeter last night deciding to open 3 of our manhole and cut and renmove 350m of 1200 pair phone cable, leaving a big chunck of the city center off, ,cant belive the balls of some people ,was in full view of everyone ,police said they saw the lot working there, they had road signs out, vans were "logoed" with some bogus company name, the works, so they didnt think anything of it, they did get them on cctv, but the vans didnt match the number paltes on them, one was apparently a iveco daily,but the plate said it was a ford mondeao when checked

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Sounds dodgy Sean. Just got a check done on your Beemer mate and it came up as a Mercedes Actros!! I wonder what you've got stashed away in the shed!! Late night last night was it mate?! :D;D

its ripe at the mo with the price of scrap cable and metal as a whole, first time down this way so far ,closest was bath way until last night, prob is we have contractors in doing cable recovery, at present, legitimatly, so we aint got a clue as we drive round whos who any more, just awating the plymouth strike now, bound to be dec 24th knowing our luck

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