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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Well there I was changing the screens in the screen, two of us pulling and one pushing, when it gave and my finger tips got sliced. Just the fleshy bit where they take the fingerprints. Not too bad 'cos I managed to push the skin back on an tape them up til I got home. Good job the wife is a 1st aider! Throbbing a bit now though!

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in town today and signed on....what a depressing place!!! >:( >:(

god i need a job i dont wanna go there again!....i blame the banks and government! >:( >:(>:(::)

looks nasty D :of , i guess building buildings is out of the window now ;)

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bugger... that sounds painful...

Damien you are as hard as bloody nails mate.. if that was me I'd want a helicopter... paramedics and an oxygen tent on stand by  ;D ;D :-[

Oh.. and a few months off work

Up ere lad you just stick some insulating tape on it n crack ont wi job like. Dont need time off work for a coupla scratches eh. But suppose its different for you southern lot hahaha !

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Up ere lad you just stick some insulating tape on it n crack ont wi job like. Dont need time off work for a coupla scratches eh. But suppose its different for you southern lot hahaha !

Its just Marky thats soft like that, I nearly sliced the end of my finger off a few years back when a flint shattered when I was trying to prise it out of the plough, one piece of dirty rag and some insulating tape later and I was sorted..........if I'd seen a quack though my finger may not be so sore at times still in hindsight ::) ::)

For me though been a day in the workshop adjusting trailer brakes (can kiss the windscreen now if I hit the brakes hard ;D ), removing the front linkage off the 6810 before it goes in for surgery and have just got in from a works related jolly thrown by Norfolk Farm Vets, a talk on abortion in cattle, a quiz and a free hog roast with all night free bar hic hic ;D ;D

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Went to a trip out to a local Massey Ferguson dealer, not the biggest place I have ever been to, a bit more like a farm that also sells tractors on the side, but a good line up of models :) :)

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strangly... today I have been doing some waste baling... one of my customers had an Environment Agency inspection today... so we got him all cleared up before they came.

Not that he has a problem.. we were there just before harvest and cleared him up then... his place is nice and tidy too so I'm sure he'd have no trouble

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Moving our cows 1 mile across the farm from the turnips to the forage rape, bedding down the calves which seem to have gone dangerously wild in the past few days :of  then sorting out the electric fence where the cows are now........studentitis ::) ::)::) ::)

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