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Deep, David - very deep. What was the inspiration for this?

My reaction to it is that I find it unsettling... but interesting!  :)

My inspiration for most of my lyrics Jo comes from the plethora of music genres and bands I listen to, and in this case, my own very personal experiences from the last 7 days of my life.

I'm fascinated between the contrast in writing ( tongue-in-cheek ) articles and song lyrics and poetry which combine two very different thought processes. Without wishing to sound umbelievabley cringe-worthy articles tend to be written from my head where as lyrics tend to come from much deeper within me, there's much more freedom and less of writing in any specific style when i'm putting a set of lyrics together.

Not through choice, I find it so much easier to write lyrics about the more personal, serious and harsher side of reality rather than a cheap meaningless pop ditty about some fake plastic girl I fancied last summer.

Although there is a lighter side to some of the material I post onto my blog such as Leeds Festival memories, infamous road trips and hangovers, there's much more on there relating to subjects such as war, drugs, suicide, prostitution, government decisions, social classes and adultery, to name but a few areas of thought.

Everything I post on there though is completely open to interpretation, you may draw very different thoughts and ideas from my original very simple premises, which is one of the things I love about song lyrics in the first place. :)

wow i actually like that a lot, not that i know anything about poetry... very thought provoking...

Thank you Alex, I know next to nothing about poetry and song writing. I can't read music nor can I play an instrument of any description to the remotest bar of talent, I just enjoy playing with and arranging words to subject matter and bands that inspire and fascinate me at any given snapshot or moment in my life. The last time I actually studied poetry was for my G.C.S.E English Literature exam over a decade ago and I barely scraped a C. :)

Here's something a little bit lighter, my memories in verse from Leeds Festival '09:

All My Fault

The suffocation of the bearded man

The beautician and his dry wipe marker pen, and give a thought to Poo Girl

Have come to fruition because of a trawler man fishing for wellington boots

The Wakey lads, Liam, Danny, Dave and Lee will not escape either

This morning I might just jinx the stereo

Whilst Sambuca, Jaegermeister, Beer and Lambrini flows

And if you meet Harry Bowman don’t offer him sun cream for his skin tone

Just remember Jack needs his shoes back before he starts his next show

We’ve got ten more trips to accomplish

MKM bags filled with our sweat

And Ewan’s parked another week away

Just call upon the said quotation

We’ll just blister in the celebration whilst we dance to the good nights

And we’ll sing all of our goodbyes before it becomes daylight

But it certainly wasn’t all my fault

I had all my good friends to help me out

No it certainly wasn’t all my fault

I had all my best mates to help me out

Myself and mates Chris and Ewan


The Legendary "Harry Bowman"


A good idea in thought, not in practice


Manchester Orchestra


The Main Stage from "Moon Base Alpha"


Maximo Park


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i went to leeds fest in '07 RHCP!

i do prefer the first set of verse that you posted however....



I've been to Leeds Festival for the last 2 years and my tickets for 2010 are booked and paid for along with the time off. :) Most of my mates who i've gone with were also there in '07. Glad you like the first one I posted and found it thought provoking, i've at least 3 others to finish and post to the blog in due course, some take minutes, others months. :)

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Making our garden more wildlife friendly. This has always been the plan but somehow gets stuck!

Decided not to replace the wooden fence with a new one - as it falls, we will replace it, panel by panel, with a mixed hedge.

First to go in is some alder buckthorn - food plant for the Brimstone Butterfly. I will let you know if it is sucessful as we have never seen that species in our garden! :)

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Been busy this weekend in the nice weather. Plated bottom of shed/garage doors after seeing signs of rodent gnawing.

Fitted a 6 foot flourescent light in my shed/workshop - so much better to work under than the previous couple of bulbs.

Cut up a load of logs with the bowsaw and split them.

And some other little jobs for 'er indoors  :)

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milked this morning 4.45am , had a shower ,went to asda shopping with family, called round to some freinds them back home to milk 3 pm .. boring day really

How long does it take you to do the morning/evening milk, on average?

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Well... today I are bin mostly... driving our little truck to London Market.. was supposed to have a new chap with me... but he seems to have an alergy to 2.15am... so I went on my own.... bit of Radio Cambridge untill Harlow... then Capital FM into London... heater on.... yorkie bar warming on the dashboard... quite enjoyed myself actually...

Not sure what I'll be like later.... have a parents evening for my lad tonight at 6.30pm... I have to do the ordering at 4pm... I have to take the tractor out at 9am to about 2pm... and I'm back at it tomorrow morning at 2am again I believe  :'(

I think I need some of Rickaaays red bulls

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Put it in a pie with some apples and serve with custard Simon.......oh sorry wrong type of blackberry ;):D :D :D

That might be the reason for all the effing & blinding Mark! One of our guys was referring to it as a Blueberry until quietly corrected this morning...  ::)  :laugh:  :laugh:

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Well... today I are bin mostly... driving our little truck to London Market.. was supposed to have a new chap with me... but he seems to have an alergy to 2.15am... so I went on my own.... bit of Radio Cambridge untill Harlow... then Capital FM into London... heater on.... yorkie bar warming on the dashboard... quite enjoyed myself actually...

Not sure what I'll be like later.... have a parents evening for my lad tonight at 6.30pm... I have to do the ordering at 4pm... I have to take the tractor out at 9am to about 2pm... and I'm back at it tomorrow morning at 2am again I believe  :'(

I think I need some of Rickaaays red bulls

if only i wasnt a student.... :( sounds like great fun haha

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Chin up buddy... must be bloody hard... but something must come up for you soon I am sure  ;)

fingers crossed for you anyway

Kettle is always on if you are ever up Cambridge way  ;)

  thanks          might take you up on that marky
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